Welcome to our home learning classroom

Boys & Girls, Parents & Carers: Hello.

Welcome to our temporary virtual school community.

This blog space has been created to help the staff at Methlick school stay connected with our school community during this time apart.

Let’s try our best to learn together during these exceptional circumstances.

Our blogging rules

Please follow these simple rules.

  • Be secure – Children, only use your first name or initials. Adults, please identify yourselves either by title (Mrs  Fraser) or by initials (CF)
  • Be safe – Don’t share your personal details with anyone.
  • Be polite – Comments can be seen by everyone and inappropriate comments will be deleted by staff.
  • Be responsible – If you see anything that concerns you please contact Mrs Fraser.
  • We miss not seeing you every day  so please LEAVE A COMMENT and stay in touch.

Mrs Fraser & all the Methlick staff .

28 thoughts on “Welcome to our home learning classroom”

  1. Mrs Fraser

    My IT skills are not very good so I am spending quite a bit of time trying things out. I have challenged myself to make a sway.

    Mrs Lusher

  2. Have just listened to the music Miss Minto has assigned. Some totally different styles. Really enjoyed each one.
    Think I might have managed to answer some of the questions too.
    Thank you Miss Minto

  3. Hello Mrs Lusher

    I decided after working on Miss Minto’s questions to try and answer yours too.
    I think I have managed to answer them all, not sure if they are correct or not.
    After working in the garden I have some good size stones, so this afternoon I might give decorating them a go.

  4. Dear Mr Mutch and Mr Reid
    What a great idea :o). Not sure I could say who will win!
    Could it be a draw?
    I’ve been running inside on my running machine and continuing to complete online Jazzercise classes.
    Niall has been taking the dogs out for walks.
    Looking forward to the results and next weeks challenge.
    Good Luck everyone taking part in this challenge Take care.

  5. Re paper plane challenge.
    Top notch video production skills.
    Sorry Mr Mutch but Annabelle is rooting for team Reid…

        1. Hi Kelsie, it’s so good to hear from you! Finding your way around the blog is a bit tricky until you get the hang of it. Just click on a few things to see what’s there and what you like the look of. Is there anything that I can help with? 🙂

        2. Don’t worry too much just now, Kelsie. Just get used to looking around the blog. Mrs Fraser and I will help you over the next few days.

    1. Hello, Kelsie! It is lovely to hear from you. Have a look around the blog and try to get used to looking at different posts.

    2. Hello Kelsie- great to have you on here. Have you watched Mr Reid’s & Mr Mutch’s challenge- it’s fab. Have a look around the blog and get to see where everything is. Watch the assembly and look in the staff challenge tab at the top to see what challenges you can do as extras. 🙂

        1. That is great Kelsie, just keep on discovering and getting familiar with the blog 🙂 You will eventually get really good at it! (I am still learning). Hope you enjoy it. If you need anything just let us know 🙂

  6. Good Morning Ms Rossvoll

    I love this idea of writing a letter and make an envelope to go with it.
    I am not very good at letter writing, but as I am not able to see my Mum at the moment, I am going to write her a letter and will send it in a homemade envelope.

    I will try and remember to take a photograph when finished.

    1. I have done the same for my Mum. It is very hard not being able to just have a cup of tea with her. I am sure that you will do some beautiful drawing with your Johanna Basford ideas. Send a photograph please.

  7. Dear Boys and Girls

    I’ve not been on the Blog much today and I’m just away to sign off and have a late lunch.
    Have a lovely MAY DAY holiday tomorrow, hope the sun keeps shining☀️
    I would love to know what you have been up to. Take care.

  8. Alex, Anna and I went to the shop in our school uniforms and handed in our drawings and picked up new journals.

    1. Well done, Adam (or should I call you ‘Ads’?) – I didn’t know that was your nickname. Funnily enough, I also have a friend with the same nickname.

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