Over the past term, we have been using our knowledge of the times-tables to help solve division problems. We can also use a variety of mental and written methods for multiplication and division. An example of which is the grid method below which has helped some groups to multiply 3 digit numbers by a single digit.
If you would like to support your child’s learning at home, please encourage them to spend some time each week practising their times-tables – we continue to do this daily in class as well. Here are some links to games which your child has enjoyed playing in class to develop their knowledge of the times-tables:
Over the past few weeks, we have been continuing to develop our ‘reading for information’ skills. We have been taking part in ‘Blankety Blanks,’ of which you can see an example of below. These tasks help to stretch our vocabulary and encourage us to search for synonyms. Blankety Blanks also encourage teamwork and the discussion of context within short stories or extracts as they are completed in pairs or trios.
Health and Wellbeing
This term, we have continued to use the SHANARRI indicators to shape our Health and Wellbeing and Drama lessons. In November we focused on being ‘Active’ and December, we moved onto ‘Nurtured.’ Our most recent lessons have allowed us to discuss the important ingredients that build positive relationships and recognise and talk about how positive relationships can make us feel.
In PE, we have been having fun experiencing dances from different cultures – we are now focusing on Scottish Country Dance for the weeks leading up to Christmas.