Health and Wellbeing
During our Health and Wellbeing lessons, P5-7 have been focusing on the Shanarri indicator ‘Safe.’ We spent some time dealing with risks and how best to handle a variety of situations – this crossed into our Drama lessons which allowed the children to act out a variety of scenarios and think about the steps they would take if they were to be in a similar predicament. We have now moved on to on-line safety and have been learning about the benefits and disadvantages of the Internet. We discussed and learned about when, how and if things should be shared on-line. The children are now developing their learning by creating information Power-points designed to teach children in P1-5 how to stay safe on-line. If you would like to discuss staying safe on-line with your child, they can show you the website we have used to inform some of our lessons:
In our PE sessions with Mrs Hutton, we have been enjoying progressing our Basketball skills. In the coming weeks, we hope to challenge each other and take part in a mini class basketball tournament.
In Numeracy, the children have been refreshing their knowledge of the place value of numbers from 10,000 up to and beyond 1,000,000. We have been reminding ourselves of the importance of reading questions carefully and pulling out important information to help solve number problems. A Marvellous Me post will be sent home in the coming weeks which will detail what your child has specifically been focusing on during Place Value.
During some of our literacy sessions, we have been focussing on reading for information and how this skill is important for life. If you would like to encourage your child to develop this skill, you could spend some time asking them about books and non-fiction pieces they are reading at home to see if they understand what they are reading.