We have been very busy in P1-4 this term! Working hard in class and preparing for our Christmas Show!
In literacy we have been continuing to learn new sounds and spelling patterns to help us with reading and writing. We have had a focus on writing letters and sequencing stories through our Fairy-Tale topic. P1-4 enjoyed writing a letter to the Three Bears as if they were Goldilocks apologising for her actions!
In numeracy we have been focusing on methods for addition and subtraction. The pupils have enjoyed working with concrete materials to help them when adding and subtracting, as well as accessing active maths stations. We have been working on all aspects of measure with lots of practical activities to learn about length, weight, volume and area.
Our topic this term has been Fairy-Tales. We have learned about the structure of Fairy-Tales and created many art pieces relating to the stories we have read. The children have enjoyed creating prints with various materials and constructing moving Pinocchio pictures. We will continue with this topic into Term 3 as we investigate other areas of the curriculum through a Fairy-Tale lens.
P1-4 have thoroughly enjoyed preparing for this year’s Christmas show. We are very proud of the commitment and effort the children have shown to their parts and performance. They have continued to impress us with their dancing and singing and how supportive they have been to each other during rehearsals.
Mrs Balmer and Miss Harrison wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to continuing with lots of fun learning in Term 3!