P5/6/7 – Term 1, Week 2

Welcome back to the new school year. It certainly is lovely to be back.

Health & Wellbeing

As we settle back into the new school term, we have been discussing what we would like our classroom to look like and feel like, to make sure that everyone gets the most out of their learning.  Together we created a Class Charter that looks at our rights and how we would like to approach our learning.


Class Project

This term we are going to be looking at The Polar Lands.  Together we created a project plan of what we would like to learn and some activities we would like to do.  As there is so much to explore in the topic, we also selected Personal Projects that we are going to work on throughout the term.  We started to create our mini booklets this week.


To tie in with our new project on Polar Lands, we are going to be looking at non-fiction writing.  We are going to be using the Talk 4 Writing resources to help us think about the language, the structure and layout of non-fiction texts.  Then we will create some of our own non-fiction texts.

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