P5-7 Literacy and English

We are continuing to develop our listening, talking, reading and writing skills this term.  Within writing, we have been learning about different styles of poetry and using our knowledge to write our own effective pieces.

We are developing our understanding of spelling graphemes and which ones are connected with which phonemes and the patterns therein – we are then investigating their application within texts.

During our reading lessons we have been developing our comprehension as well as our analytic and evaluative thinking skills through reading for enjoyment and choice. The children have become very enthused for reading and it has been lovely to hear them talk in depth about what they are reading as well as recommending new reads to each other.

To develop our listening and talking skills we have been working in groups whilst using our ‘Prehistoric’ topic to create projects about The Bronze Age and presenting these to our classmates.

Next term – we will have a focus on non-fiction writing linked to our topic.

Ways you can support your child:  Encourage your child to read little and complete their spelling homework each week.

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