All posts by Mr Reid

Pink group-making a submarine

Today we made a play dough submarine using a fan, different coloured play dough, a buzzer and a battery pack.

We worked together to shape the play dough and conduct the electricity through to power our submarine. When the batteries are turned on, it powers the fan and buzzer through the play dough.

Creating A Circuit With Different Conductors!

Today we made a circuit again but we had a break in the circuit so we had to find items to complete the circuit. We used a spoon, a plate, glasses case and more. The plate and a pencil case did not work 🙁 We were given a buzzer at the end and it gave us a headache! Like last time we used copper tape to let the electricity ⚡️ through.

Green Group Circuit

Today we were making circuits and it was fun!

What did we use?

We used copper tape, LED lights, sellotape, a switch and a motor.

How to make it

So first we got the copper tape and stuck it down and then we got an LED and split the legs of it and stuck it down on top of the copper tape with tape and then we put the red wire and the black wire and touched the copper wire and the light lit up.

What is happening?

So what is happening is that the battery is outputting power and the copper tape is conducting electricity and the electricity is passing through the LED and is going down the other bit of copper tape and the excess electricity is going back into the battery.

Our investigations

So we tried to find out how many lights the battery could power. We also figured out how to power the fan!

Yellow Group Circuit

Today we learned how to make simple circuits. We all decided to make it harder by adding more LED lights and a fan. We used copper tape as the conductor. Also we taped down the lights, keeping in mind the negative and positive electrons.

The materials that we used

The materials we used for our circuit are LED light, copper tape, negative and positive electrons, a fan and four batteries.

How we created our circuit.

We started by laying down our copper tape then we put the batteries in the battery box. Then we preceded to stick our LED light on to the top of our circuit. We connected the positive and negative to the copper tape. Then the LED light lit up. After that we added more items.

The investigations

Some of the investigations that we tried included, adding the fan, adding the light switch and adding more LED lights. These investigations went very well.
These are the experiments that we performed. 1. Is with the fan and extra LED lights. 2. The second one is the one with just the LED lights.

Dark blue group- making simple circuits


Today we were making simple circuits and we have listed our materials and outcome above. Our last picture shows us changing a fan for a pencil to make it spin! We used copper tape as our conductor and added the wires on to power a motor, 4 lights and we even added a switch. The battery sends power(electricity) through the wires into the copper tape, the tape connected the lights, motor and switch to the battery allowing it all to work

Light blue group

Today we were asked to create a simple circuit.

We were given copper wire, a battery pack, a bulb and tape.

We taped down the bulb to either side of the copper tape. Then we had a battery pack and put the positive side on the left bit of the copper wire and the negative side on the right bit of the copper wire.

We also played around with the fan and switch by adding them to our circuit. 



Pink group- First Circut

Pink group’s first circuit

For our first circuit, we used copper tape, a small light bulb, sellotape and a battery pack to make a simple circuit! When you connect everything like the picture shown below, it makes the light bulb light up! The only thing is that there’s both a long and short leg on the light, and the long leg is called the positive side and this goes with the red wire, and the short leg goes with the black wire and is called the negative side. If you get these mixed up, the light won’t work! Here is the process of our circuit in pictures-

After we did our circuit, we messed around with some other parts including a fan and a switch for the light!