P4/5 – Blog Update February

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely mid-term break.


I hope all the children are managing to fill in their moon chart for the month! We have been learning about properties of the sun and moon, why we have night and day, and we are now learning about the properties of each planet in our solar system. We are going to use this information to create presentations in groups to feedback to the rest of the class.
We watched a BBC documentary called ‘Universe’ with Brian Cox which was very interesting!



Primary 4-5 are starting a block of gymnastics. We are working on skills such as jumps, leaps, and rolls with the goal of creating a sequence using elements of all the skills we have learned.



The children finished fractions with learning how to express them in their simplest form and we are now moving on to learning about decimals and percentages. As before, if primary 4/5 are finding this tricky they are not confident with their times tables. If you would like some extra practice at home, you can visit https://www.timestables.co.uk/.


Expressive Arts

We were lucky enough to have Mrs Armstrong come in and visit us last week and the children created some amazing shaving foam marbling and used the patterns to make planets on a splatter background. The children then used coloured sand to make textured planets which we hung from the washing line in the classroom. Both projects turned out amazing and we were very grateful for her visit!                                                                                                                                    


The children were learning to say and write classroom objects in French. They were telling me what was in their pencil case, and what colour the items were!

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