All posts by Mrs Maclean

Adverse Weather Learning Activities

Here are some activities for you to try.Choose the ones which suit you best. Bring your results into school when you return, or email to    

(Scroll further down the page for P4-7 activities.)

Activities for P1-3



  • Look at the calendar.

Count the days for this month.

Write the names of the first and last days of this month.

Mark the weather on each day using picture symbols.

  • Create a tick chart of the birds you see in the garden.
  • Make a snowman family. (Big, small, medium, tall, short…)
  • Draw a snowman picture, tell a grown up about the shapes you are using to make the picture.
  • Count objects around your house, e.g. clocks, money, windows.




  • Keep a snow diary. Draw and write all the things you get up to.
  • Read a book. Write a book review. (Draw your favourite bit and write why you like it.)
  • Design a new cover for your book.
  • TV programme review- draw a picture of something you liked in the programme, then write to say why you liked it.
  • Write your spelling words in the snow.
  • Make snow phonemes.
  • Write a story about an adventure in the snow.





  • Do some exercise (you could invent mini winter Olympic activities) record what you do each time.
  • Make a bird cake.
  • Do some baking with a grown up.( Remember measuring uses lots of numeracy skills.)
  • With a grown up, check on elderly neighbours/relatives. Chat to them.
  • Make lunch for your family
  • Design (and maybe even make) a super sandwich with lots of layers.
  • Create a home for a creature (e.g. a mouse house out of a bed, think of all the things your creature would like in their house)
  • Play ‘I spy’.
  • Tidy your room. Try organising clothes or toys into groups e.g. brown teddies or red socks.
  • Create a snow dance.
  • Dress up your pet.

Activities for P4-7


  • Keep a note of the temperature in the morning, afternoon and evening each day.
  • Keep a record of the weather
  • Display your weather results in a way that suits you: bar chart, picture chart, pie chart.
  • What should pedestrians do to keep themselves safe in poor weather?
  • Sumdog website activities




  • Name 3 jobs that the weather would cause problems for. What are the problems the weather would cause?
  • Find out about ways people keep themselves warm in poor weather.
  • Read for at least 30 minutes each day, try to read different texts e.g. newspapers, magazines, fiction books, factual books, blogs.
  • Listen to the news – make notes about news reports that interest you and then use your notes to write a short report in your own words.
  • Find an interesting newspaper article. Use different coloured pens to show adjectives, nouns, verbs, commas, full stops and other punctuation you can spot.



Art and Design

  • Draw a view from a window in your house- use pencil only
  • Design a book cover for a book with the title “My Favourite Place”
  • Make something using at least 5 different items of recyclable material.



Health and Well- Being

  • Bake or cook something you haven’t made before
  • Make up a dance routine to a favourite song
  • Tidy your bedroom!
  • Build a snowman in your garden, take a picture of it.


Digital Technology 

  • Log onto Glow and create a Sway with a wintry theme.
  • Use a free app such as Stopmotion, Clips, Chatterkids or iMovie to create something to share with your family.
  • Log onto Scratch or use ScratchJn on an iPad and do some coding. What can you make?
  • Add a comment on the class blog.



All about me

My name is molly and I am seven years old. I live with my Mum and Dad  i also have a baby brother called Oliver. I love puppies and gymnastics.  My favourite animal is an elephant.