Tag: buddies

What is Peer Listening

What are Peer Listeners?

Peer Listeners are students who have volunteered to support other students by talking to them and listening to them.

Our volunteers complete a course which includes learning good listening skills and understanding when and where to find help if needed.

How can Peer Listeners help you?

Peer listeners are other students who want to help support you in the way that a friend or an older sibling might do. They are not counsellors but will spend time chatting with you about how you feel.

Peer Listeners work with school staff so can help you to share any concerns with the right person. They will not give you advice but are there to listen to you or to be a friend.

Do I have to have a problem?

Definitely NOT. Peer listening is for anyone who wants to go along  and chat with other pupils. This might be because you find yourself on your own or just because you enjoy their company.

How does Peer Listening work? 

The Peer Listeners are based in the library during lunchtime. There will usually be between two and four students and they are set up with games that you can play while they chat to you and get to know you. 

The majority of peer listeners will be in S3 and they will be part of the programme for one year. Some students may wish to continue and so they might continue beyond S3.

The students will be in the library from 1.10pm. They use the tables as the back beside the window so you will easily recognise them.

What do I do to meet with a Peer Listener?

Peer Listening is a drop in service so you just have to turn up. It is available ever lunchtime from 1.10pm but you can go at any time after that. It isn’t like a club or group so you don’t need to stay for the whole time or go every week.

The students who are there will welcome you so you don’t need to explain why you have come – just sit down and they will find a game to play or an activity for you to do.

How do I become a Peer Listener?

We train a new group of Peer Listeners each year. We ask that you make a commitment for the whole year and you can start during S3. We offer training for the new group of Peer Listeners which covers all the skills you will need.

Training takes place after the change of timetable but before the summer holidays as our new S1 pupils can find it helpful when they first start school.

If you are interested in becoming a PeerListener then please speak with your Guidance Teacher or speak with Ms McIlraith for more information.