12 thoughts on “The Twits questions.”

  1. 1.What does the house look like? a prison.
    2.What day do mr and mrs Twit have bird pie? Wednesday
    3.How many monkeys are there? there are four
    4.Is the big tree dead or alive? dead

    Alisha and David MC

  2. Q1.In Mr Twit gets a horrid shock,Mr Twit jumped as if he had been stung by a giant what?


    Q2.Did Mr and Mrs Twit’s house have any windows?

    A. No

    Q3.What kind of glue did Mr Twit use to catch the birds?


    Q4. What kind of bird came to the rescue?

    A.The Roly Poly Bird

    Alex and Sophie

  3. Q: What was Mr Twit celebrating with in chapter Mr Twit gets a shock?
    A: A mug of beer

    Q: What did the Twits grow in thier garden?
    A: Thistles and nettles

    Q: What was winking in the sun?
    A: Four little bottoms

    Q: When does Mr Twit have his bird pie supprer
    A: Wednesday

    By Niamh and Jasmine W

  4. why did Mrs twit and Mr twit go off to the shop?To get guns

    what is Mr twits glue called? hugtight

    what day do the twits have bird pie? Wednesday

    how many boys were sitting on the tree? 4

    Katie and Caitlin

  5. 1.what did the twits do?go buy guns
    2.what did the house look like?a prison
    3.what the roly poly bird do?let the monkey ecscape
    4.what did the monkeys do to the house?glue all the merncher upside down

    lee and gregor

  6. What did mr twit do with his beer when he seen mrs twit come down from the sky!

    What did mrs twit shout when she was just about the hight of the house!

    Did mrs twit come down from the sky loud or silently.

    Josh Ashleigh

  7. Q.why did the four boys run home with bare bottoms
    A.because they were about to get killed by Mr twit so they jumped out a tree and ran.

    Q.why was there no bird for Mr and Mrs twit.
    A.because the birds were on the monkey cage.

    Q.why did Mr twit go and buy guns.
    A.because he still had no bird pie.

  8. Q. when mr.twit seen mrs.twit floating down from the sky what did he think about it?
    A. He jumped as though he’d been stung by a giant wasp.

    Q. mr.twit was sitting in his garden celebrating with a mug of what?
    A. a mug of beer.

    Q. was there or was there not windows on mr and mrs.twits house.

    by Erin and Caitlin G

  9. 1.why did the monkeys glue the fernicher to the seeling? because mr twit gave them lots of orders

    gregor and lee

  10. Iv’e got a good one, who is the auther? – Roald Dauhl

    that should have been one that everybody put in there veriaty of questions!!! 🙂

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