Category Archives: Glow Groups

Migration of Glow Content

RM and Education Scotland were to manage the migration of data from the existing system in the summer break. This migration is the first of its kind anywhere in the world and Aberdeenshire was one of the first 3 local authorities to be supported to undertake this migration. This process however is not complete and the new version of Glow, based on Office365, is not ready for use yet.

 Because of this delay, Education Scotland has agreed that our original Glow be available for use as normal until at least the October break, by which time, the Office365 version should be available with full functionality to support learning and teaching and communication.

 Please be aware that any changes made to Glow groups between now and October, including the updating of documents will have to be repeated in the new Glow. Please also inform staff that we advise them not to create any new Glow Groups.

Glow Group Migration July 2013

We have now had confirmation that Aberdeenshire Glow Groups will migrate during the first 2 weeks of the summer holidays.

Education Scotland along with RM decided that the migration would happen in order of usage. We were pleased to find out that Aberdeenshire is the third highest user of Glow and therefore, will be third to migrate.

Once we see what happens when a Glow Groups migrates, then we will be in a position to create help guides for schools.

Please also be advised that the current Text Editor web part will not migrate to the new system.

Preperation for Glow Group Migration

In preparation for the change from our current Glow system to the new Glow system we are required to identify Glow Groups to migrate over.

 So we can identify these Glow Groups it is essential that you put an asterix in the title e.g.

 Aberdeenshire Council Glow Group          would be changed to

 *Aberdeenshire Council Glow Group

Please click on the link below to access the guidance notes for this process.