Category Archives: Peterhead Cluster

Peterhead Academy chosen to showcase their presentation at the YPI National Event in Perth

Peterhead winning YPI group selected to showcase their presentation at the YPI National Event in Perth on the 19th June 2013.

Through being involved in YPI, a group of S5 pupils from Peterhead Academy won £3,000 for their chosen charity which was the National Autistic Society. YPI encourages groups of pupils to choose a charity and identify a need related to the charity of their choice. The charity which was chosen by the pupils was the National Autistic Society and the need they identified was to support the pupils who attend the Academy who have an ASD. They wished to create a sensory room.

Following numerous meetings with the pupils, and then also with  representatives from NAS, SensationAll and YPI we have now reached a point where the possibility of creating substantial change within the Academy is being discussed re the provision for our pupils with an ASD.

Currently consideration is being given to a supported learning environment room which will give access to the sensory room.

Our targets for session 2014/15 are as follows:

  • Improved learning environment for our ASD pupils in an existing classroom
  • Sensory room where pupils can relax and unwind attached to above classroom
  • Training for interested Senior pupils and Staff via ‘Transitions’

(The National Autistic Society and Inspire have been funded by the Scottish Government to provide a new ‘Transitions’ project which will provide support for young people with Autism and Aspergers syndrome.)

  • Awareness raising presentations at Year Group Assemblies from the YPI group re Autism.
  • Awareness raising presentation during the S5/6 Expectation evening

 Well done Peterhead Academy 🙂

Rugby Festival in the Peterhead Cluster

P6 athletes from across the Peterhead Network got together on Wednesday 15th May for the Active Schools P6 Rugby Festival supported by Scottish Rugby Development staff.  The event was held at the all-weather pitch at Catto Park and everyone was thankful that the rain stayed off for the morning!

 A great day was had by all and some fantastic Rugby skills were displayed with Burnhaven School P6s being crowned the winners of the tournament and Peterhead Central School Team 2 coming in as runner ups.  A special Fairplay award was also presented to Peterhead Central School Team 1 for highlighting the best example of sportsmanship on the day through respecting their team mates, opponents and referee’s decisions.  Young Leaders from Anna Ritchie School were also present on the day to help the referees and each leader did an excellent job and will receive a certificate for their hard work.

 The Rugby Festival was the climax of a four week block of rugby coaching that was delivered to all schools by Ross Finlay, the Ellon Rugby Development Officer.  Active Schools Coordinator for the Peterhead Primary Network area Caitlin Dudley was delighted with the turnout of schools and the standard of play and sportsmanship throughout all teams and added:  “Our thanks go to the Ellon Rugby Development officer and his colleagues for making today possible.  It is fantastic to see so many pupils in Peterhead getting involved in sport and having fun!  The effort of the pupils was a great reflection of the ongoing work by Active Schools & SportScotland to not only improve participation levels but to also promote competitive sport in a positive manner.”

Well done to all involved 🙂

P6 Pupils from Peterhead – Young Leaders of the future

P6 pupils from across the Peterhead Network had the exciting opportunity to complete the Young Leaders Award this term which focuses on developing leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to develop confidence and self-esteem. The P6 Young Leaders will be able to use these skills in the playground and during PE lessons to coach games to younger pupils, helping Active Schools with their fundamental aim – to provide more children with the motivation and opportunities to adopt active and healthy lifestyles Active Schools Coordinator for the Peterhead Primary Network, Caitlin Dudley said “The P6 pupils have all really enjoyed the training and are looking forward to developing their coaching skills and confidence when teaching the younger pupils. This award is a great tool for teaching the pupils a range of skills that they will be able to use during their transition into Secondary School and in later life as well as getting them involved in helping the younger pupils become more active. Congratulations to all of the Young Leaders that passed the award!” She also points out that this opportunity would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication from the S5-6 Sports Leaders from Peterhead Academy who delivered the training to the P6s as part of a peer-education scheme, “Having the S5-6 pupils deliver the training really gave the P6s a level to aspire to”. Malcolm Grant Active Schools and Community Officer for Buchan also said “The senior pupils who have been involved in the Community Sports Leaders programme at Peterhead Academy will benefit from their coaching experiences well beyond their time at the school. The skills they have developed in relation to communication, planning, assessing and delivering the Young Leaders programme to the Primary pupils will serve them well as their future careers develop.”

Well done to all involved 🙂

Sporting Lunch at Peterhead Academy

Youngsters at Peterhead Academy learned how to cook meals fit for the Nation’s sports stars. They followed recipes provided by some of the top chefs in football, rugby and athletics

British Olympic swimmer Robbie Renwick also shared his advice on the benefits of healthy eating. The aim of the lunch was to promote healthy eating by demonstrating how important diet is to people competing in professional sport.

 The Active Schools event was held in conjunction with the Buchan Feeling Good Festival, and the S3 children cooked meals such as boiled chicken and pasta, chicken pizza melts and chorizo pasta with mixed vegetables.

 Top football clubs such as Peterhead, Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers shared some of their dietary tips, while the Scottish Rugby Union also provided details of meal plans followed by top rugby professionals.

 Peterhead Football Club manager Jim McInally was one of those on hand to witness the cooking of the meals, while supporters of the Active Schools programme – Gillanders Motors – also unveiled a notice board promoting the activities of the programme.

 Local social enterprise company Cfine – who promote the consumption of fruit, vegetables, pulses and other healthy products – provided some of the ingredients that the pupils used when cooking the various recipes.

 Chair of Education, Learning and Leisure Committee, Councillor Isobel Davidson, said: “This is a great event to show the many benefits of healthy eating. Many of these teenagers will have aspirations to follow a sporting career, and this lunch will allow them to develop first-hand knowledge of how important a healthy diet is.

 “Being able to cook healthy meals is a skill which can be so important in following a fit and active lifestyle, and we hope the children enjoy this experience and take a lot away from the sporting lunch.”

 Vice-chair of the committee, Councillor Ron McKail, added: “This event looks like being great fun for all involved. Finding out how their sporting idols are able to supplement their sports training will inspire them to follow their own healthy lifestyle.

 “This event shows the great work being done by the Active Schools programme, and activities like these can only help encourage others to follow a fit and active lifestyle.”

 Malcolm Grant, Active Schools Coordinator, is keen to hear from any volunteers interested in getting involved in after-school sport, and added: “Along with the schools and supporters like Gillanders Motors, we deliver a wide range of activities and sports in the local community.

 “These require good quality coaching, organisation and levels of progression to ensure that the pupils can benefit from the sporting opportunities that exist in the Buchan area. We would like to hear from anyone interested in getting involved.”

 Peterhead Academy and Mintlaw Academy are both accepting new applications to the programmes and details can be found at .

 Further information can be gained by contacting Malcolm on 07733 001894 or emailing 

Well done to all involved 🙂

Peterhead Central Anne Frank Award

Peterhead Central School has been honoured with a special award, which recognises pupils and staff who have stood up for what is right.

The school’s pupils were runners-up at an awards ceremony at Aberdeen’s Pittodrie Stadium, in this years Anne Frank Awards. The school was recognosed for its dedication to including children from non-Scottish backgrounds and their families in Christmas celebrations. Each of the school’s classes learned to sing Christmas songs in foreign languages including Chinese, Lithuanian, Spanish, Latvian, French, Tagalog and Russian.

Edith Skinner, who is an EAL Coordinator at Peterhead Central said,

“We are so proud of what we are achieving here at Central School and want to share the good news. This was truly Curriculum for Excellence in action”.

Well done to all involved 🙂