Category Archives: Aboyne Academy

We Will Rock You at Aboyne Academy

Aboyne Academy Show rocks Deeside 

Aboyne pupils wowed audiences last week with two fantastic performances of the West End Hit Musical We Will  Rock You. Written by Ben Elton, the musical features many of Queen’s greatest songs. The show began with some spectacular lighting effects which set the scene for an exciting evening.  From the outset the audience were treated to brilliant performances from a strong cast of pupils ranging in age from S1 – S6. Galileo, played by the very talented Craig Giblin was convincing as the central character in search of real music on the strange Planet Mall where live Music is banned and conformity rules. Killer Queen played by Heather Stodter gave a super performance making mincemeat of her sidekick Khashoggi  played impressively by Bob O’Reilly Mclean. Melanie Christie was outstanding as Scaramouche who falls in love with Galileo as together they go in search of long lost musical instruments. Great performances, too, from Andrew Sim as Brit, Abigail Thomson as Meat and Neil Thomson Mitchell as Pop.

 The cast were supported by a live band, including – Cameron Christie on drums, Darren Stott on bass, Robbie Iason and Angus Whyman on guitar. Guitar teacher Dave Inkster played Lead Guitar.

Behind the scenes Rory Beaton was provided excellent lighting as well as set design and choreography. Alex Day did a brilliant job as Stage Manager and also helped with set.  A large number of pupils and staff, too many to mention, contributed to this excellent production which was enjoyed by a full house on both evenings.