All posts by J. Aberdeenshire

Rights Respecting Schools


Rights Respecting Schools

On Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September a team of girls (Emily, Gudran, Georgia, Natasha, Claire and Emma, S3) from the Right Respecting Schools club did their Aberdeenshire Your Turn Course with Common Purpose.  The 2 days consisted of meeting and working with new people from different schools, learning what a good leader is, team building, effective questions, presentations from Ryan Manson, Genera Manager of Union Square, Chris Dunridge, Chief Executive, The Peoples Practice and HR consultant about being passionate about leadership and effective questioning, and helped specialists with their current work challenges.  We then had to present this information in front of the different schools; we even did a bit of acting!  All in all everyone had 2 great days out, and had a lot of new and improved skills to take away with them.  Having fun and learning more about out town, city and how our community works, understanding how business works and how decisions are made and truly learnt how to go out there and make a difference!  All these skills will help and reward us in our daily life and to follow our career paths for the future.         

Emily Gray, S3

Young Health Leaders @ Kemnay Academy

We are a group of S6 students: Lisa McWilliam (coordinator), Emma Forbes, Kathryn Dunn, Simon Cribbes and Alexandra Arr.  We will be working on Health related topics with a view to supporting Kemnay Academy and the community, concentrating on Emotional Health.  We will present our project to other Aberdeenshire schools in March at a celebration event within Aberdeenshire.

As we work through our project we will also be aiming to complete an SQA Leadership Award at SCQF level 5.

Above is our group and we are wearing our YHL badges and will shortly be given our own YHL hoodies to help raise our profile within the school

Science ‘snippets’ from Kemnay Academy

Advanced Higher Biology Practical Day
As part of our Advanced Higher Biology course, our class of seven students was invited to take part in a practical day at Aberdeen University. We were given the brilliant opportunity to use equipment that is used in a professional laboratory as well as attending interactive lectures. It gave us a great insight into how we would be taught at the University.
The experiment we conducted involved cutting up DNA with enzymes and separating it with electricity. It is known as Gel Electrophoresis. Gel Electrophoresis involves DNA being extracted from the cells of a plant or animal. The sample is then chopped up using restriction enzymes, and the samples are placed into wells in an agarose gel. The gel functions like a sieve allowing small pieces of DNA to move quickly while larger pieces move slowly. The gel is covered with a conducting buffer and an electrical current is passed across it. Since DNA has a negative charge, it migrates towards the anode, leading to the separation of DNA. This technique is frequently used in Forensic Investigations to help solve crimes.
We all found the day very interesting and enjoyable, taking away skills we can transfer to our own investigations in the future.   

Ruth Bryce 6KEC and Keren Lovie 6AYD

STEM in the Pipeline

A team of S6 pupils are working on a project using their Science, Maths and Engineering knowledge and skills. They have to study geological surveys and make economic decisions to produce a field development plan for an oil well. The team are mentored by Chris Hill a Geophysicist at BP, and will present their work at an event in December. They are competing against 15 other schools from across Aberdeen City and Shire.

The team comprises Finlay Smith, Crawford Ritchie, Alex Knapper, Douglas Park, Sean Clark and Meriem Kouadria. The team is drawing on skills developed in their work for the Energy Apprentice competition last year.

Off-Shore Europe

A group of S5 pupils attended the Energise your Future event at Off-Shore Europe. Pupils met engineers from a variety of companies and were given a tour of the exhibition. Opito gave pupils information about the variety of routes available into a career in the Energy sector including the Modern Apprentice scheme.

Advanced Higher Sciences at Aberdeen University

Pupils in the Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry classes have attended practical activity days at Aberdeen University. They enjoyed the experience of using new and unfamiliar apparatus and will use their skills and knowledge to help with their project work. Advanced Higher Physics pupils will have a similar event later next term.

Science Baccalaureate

Three S6 pupils have embarked on the challenging Science Baccalaureate Inter-disciplinary Project. They have chosen projects investigating foetal and maternal health, selective breeding in the North East livestock industry and strandings of whales and dolphins. Pupils will be sharing their research findings with other pupils throughout the year.

Advanced Higher Project Planning

Mike Duncan from Morrisons, the construction company, gave S6 pupils a workshop in project planning.  Pupils learned skills which will be very useful when it comes to planning any task or event in the future.

S4 Science

The National 4 Science class have been working on a unit about Water.  Craig Christie from Scottish Water visited to give an overview of local water treatment and use.  The class also visited the local stretch of the River Don with a Ranger to investigate the ecosystem.  Pupils sampled invertebrates and carried out measurement tasks.  On Fridays, the class are learning about the local environment with visits around the Kemnay area. 

STEM in the Pipeline

A team of S6 pupils are working on a project using their Science, Maths and Engineering knowledge and skills. They have to study geological surveys and make economic decisions to produce a field development plan for an oil well. The team are mentored by Chris Hill a Geophysicist at BP, and will present their work at an event in December. They are competing against 15 other schools from across Aberdeen City and Shire.

The team comprises Finlay Smith, Crawford Ritchie, Alex Knapper, Douglas Park, Sean Clark and Meriem Kouadria. The team is drawing on skills developed in their work for the Energy Apprentice competition last year.


Off-Shore Europe

A group of S5 pupils attended the Energise your Future event at Off-Shore Europe. Pupils met engineers from a variety of companies and were given a tour of the exhibition. Opito gave pupils information about the variety of routes available into a career in the Energy sector including the Modern Apprentice scheme.


Advanced Higher Sciences at Aberdeen University

Pupils in the Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry classes have attended practical activity days at Aberdeen University. They enjoyed the experience of using new and unfamiliar apparatus and will use their skills and knowledge to help with their project work. Advanced Higher Physics pupils will have a similar event later next term.


Science Baccalaureate

Three S6 pupils have embarked on the challenging Science Baccalaureate Inter-disciplinary Project. They have chosen projects investigating foetal and maternal health, selective breeding in the North East livestock industry and strandings of whales and dolphins. Pupils will be sharing their research findings with other pupils throughout the year.


Advanced Higher Project Planning


Mike Duncan from Morrisons, the construction company, gave S6 pupils a workshop in project planning.  Pupils learned skills which will be very useful when it comes to planning any task or event in the future.


Mill O’ Forest : Giant Walking Bus


All the schools made large, colourful banners with slogans and pictures to take on our Walking Bus for the community to see as we walked.  We walked through the community and met in our local park.  On our Giant Walking Bus, we displayed 20 different road signs and road safety questions.  The pupils of the Mill O’ Forest Eco Committee selected and painted the road signs, chose the questions and distributed answer sheets to the other schools. Then, all the pupils from three community schools (nearly 1000 pupils!) were able to see the signs and take part in our Road Safety Quiz. 

A winning entry will be selected the Eco Committee and a prize, linked to travelling safely, will be sent out.  Mearns FM Radio let the Eco Committee use their equipment to read the answers for the Quiz.  We wanted all the pupils to learn on the day and the quiz helped them to be able to identify important signs that they might find as they walk, cycle or ride in the car. 

Finally, a vote of thanks and congratulations was given by one of the three councillors who had joined with us on our Walking Bus.  A very successful day – and the rain stayed off for just long enough! It was great to have so many members of the community working together to promote BRAKE and road safety in our town.  (Teachers, Parents, Councillors, Police Officers, Traffic Wardens).  We were delighted to see our efforts recognised at a national level by BRAKE on their Giant Walking Bus Thank You Bulletin which was sent out on Friday 14th June 2013.

 Mill O’ Forest Primary School is logging the day as our annual Day of Eco Action under the Transport heading.

Alford Academy STEM challenge

On Friday 7 June 2013, Alford Academy hosted another highly innovative STEM Challenge which this time focused on S6 involvement, and linked to the Aberdeenshire initiative, “Be Part of the Picture”.  The Challenge formed a part of the S6 Induction Event coordinated by Mrs S Ogilvie (Acting Depute Headteacher and PT Faculty Modern Languages).

Mrs Jan Holt (PT Faculty Business Education and Computing) designed the event and led a multidisciplinary team from Art and Design (Mr Moffat), Physics (Mrs Booth), Textiles (Mrs Woolley),  Computing Science (Mr Scott), Business Education (Mrs Taylor),  Mathematics (Mr Kerr) and HWB (Mr Cruickshank).  Additional support across these areas was provided by Mr. A Spiers. The Challenge also partnered with The Robert Gordon University School of Computing Science and Digital Media, where Professor P. Holt, Dr. D. Doolan and Mr. J. McGregor led microcontrol and programming workshops.

Pupils were asked to express positive things about Aberdeenshire; people, place and environment around the themes of eFashion, Mobile Visualisation and Parallel Computation.  Activities included designing and making LED bracelets –  clothing with sewn in conductive materials (batteries included!) –  3D Electronic Billboards -constructed from Lego and controlled through Scratch – and iPad array displays.

Workshops were followed by group brainstorming sessions with presentations showing how the technologies could be used to contribute to “Be Part Of The Picture”.  Ideas ranged from putting on an eFashion show with wearables designed around Nature in Aberdeenshire, to using 3D Lego models to capture the sophistication of Energy Technology.  Feedback from pupils and staff was very positive and we look forward to next phase of this initiative.

2013 Transition Event at Alford Academy

WeDo Stories From Scratch at Alford Academy
As part of the primary to secondary transition programme, Alford Academy hosted a P7 STEM Challenge for 120 primary pupils on 10th May 2013. The event had at its core the tradition of Storytelling but through the idea of construction, construction, construction!  The day was organised to provide a set of seamlessly integrated activities that involved building 3D Lego characters, constructing storyboards, coding computer programs with interface and control to the Lego objects; all to tell ‘living’ stories.   The Games Hall was transformed into a hive of workstations equipped with writing materials, storyboards, display boards, laptops and lego kits at which groups of up to 7 pupils could work together on the construction of their living stories.  As pupils got to grips with the task, 14 of our S3 pupils dressed in Disney themed costumes took charge and taught the youngsters how to create simple animations in Scratch, use of the school laptops and ways of interfacing and controlling the lego characters.  S5/6 pupils also came along to assist Mrs Lees and Guidance staff with school tours.  The WeDo storytelling event was planned and coordinated by Mrs Holt, PT Faculty Business Education and Computing, who was joined by an interdisciplinary team from Business Education (Mrs Taylor), Computing Science (Mr Scott), Modern Languages (Mrs Barclay), Mathematics (Mr Kerr), Physical Education (Mr Cruickshank), English (Mrs Shearer) and Drama and Media Studies (Mr Coston). Mrs Shearer and Mr Coston led the storyboarding activity and provided opportunities for pupils to talk about and share their ideas with all involved.  Final animations were judged and pupils received awards according to how well they had worked as a team, the quality of story design and construction and the animated control of the lego WeDo; all of which mapped to core skills in literacy, numeracy and health and well being.   Feedback has been very positive and the organising team are delighted with the outcome.  Our P7 pupils can pat themselves on the back for their excellent participation and say with pride: Didn’t WeDo well

STEM activities at Alford Academy

Kemnay Academy:Young Writers’ The Poetry Games Success

Three Kemnay Academy pupils are to have their work published following their success in a poetry writing competition.  Young Writers received thousands of entries from across the UK for The Poetry Games.  Jack Bedborough (S2), Lee Aitken (S3) and Ewan Guild (S4) will now have their poems appear in The Poetry Games – Scotland & Wales anthology, a complimentary copy of which is to be sent to the school in recognition of their achievement.  Staff and pupils alike will therefore be able to see in print Law and Order, Bagpipes and A Farmer’s Life, written by Jack, Ewan and Lee respectively.  Young Writers has been publishing poetry for two decades and winners of the competition were selected based on “perception, imagination, expression and creative use of language”.  Staff of Kemnay Academy are extremely proud of our writers and wish to congratulate the three young poets.

Mintlaw and Kemnay Academies scooping awards in National Event


Kemnay Academy’s ROV team came third once again in a hotly contested competition. The scores were very close between the top 3 and no one really knew what the outcome would be until the announcements were made. Mintlaw Academy won and Menzieshill High from Dundee came second.
The project was sponsored by BP and each entry received £300 to cover the costs of the project.
The Kemnay team comprised  S6 students, Peter Mitchell, Gavin Mackenzie and Martin Thomson and S5 student, Liam Miller, won £200 as a prize and certificates.

S3 Students at Kemnay Academy in National Finals

Kemnay Academy is delighted that a group of S3 students has won through to the National final of the Poppy Scotland Moving Stories Competition 2012. The team is one of two National finalists. Earlier in the session they created a video during their RMPS lessons to coincide with Remembrance Day and submitted this for the competition. Next month, professional film-makers will spend 2 days with the students shooting a high quality version of their film.



P7 pupils get together in Hill of Banchory PS

P7 pupils from Strachan, Durris and Drumoak primary schools met up at Hill of Banchory primary school to work to gether on an animation project.

The pupils were given only 2 hours to introduce each other, setup, storyboard, implement and edit an animation using I Can Animate software.

The finished videos are shown below, can you guess the theme?

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

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