Mill O’ Forest : Giant Walking Bus


All the schools made large, colourful banners with slogans and pictures to take on our Walking Bus for the community to see as we walked.  We walked through the community and met in our local park.  On our Giant Walking Bus, we displayed 20 different road signs and road safety questions.  The pupils of the Mill O’ Forest Eco Committee selected and painted the road signs, chose the questions and distributed answer sheets to the other schools. Then, all the pupils from three community schools (nearly 1000 pupils!) were able to see the signs and take part in our Road Safety Quiz. 

A winning entry will be selected the Eco Committee and a prize, linked to travelling safely, will be sent out.  Mearns FM Radio let the Eco Committee use their equipment to read the answers for the Quiz.  We wanted all the pupils to learn on the day and the quiz helped them to be able to identify important signs that they might find as they walk, cycle or ride in the car. 

Finally, a vote of thanks and congratulations was given by one of the three councillors who had joined with us on our Walking Bus.  A very successful day – and the rain stayed off for just long enough! It was great to have so many members of the community working together to promote BRAKE and road safety in our town.  (Teachers, Parents, Councillors, Police Officers, Traffic Wardens).  We were delighted to see our efforts recognised at a national level by BRAKE on their Giant Walking Bus Thank You Bulletin which was sent out on Friday 14th June 2013.

 Mill O’ Forest Primary School is logging the day as our annual Day of Eco Action under the Transport heading.

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