All posts by Mrs Burke


We are learning about control and balance, as well as focus and concentration, through Yoga.  We learned different poses and learned about the physical and mental benefits of these.




Time websites and activities to help at home

Time (Games and activities to help at home.  Please let us know if you find any other helpful sites)


Intended learning for first level

Learn to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks.
 Learn to relate times to routine events.
 Learn to express times in conventional ways e.g. quarter to eleven and 10:45am.
 Learn to link times expressed in 12 and 24 hour notation i.e. 9:30am = 0930, 9:30pm = 2130
 Learn to calculate some time intervals by counting on including, over the hour.
Learn to manage time e.g. by estimating how long it will take to get ready, allocating time for activities
Learn to use a calendar and diary e.g. How long before we go on holiday? How many weeks are we away? What is the first day of April? What is the date next Wednesday?
Learn to read and write dates in different ways i.e. 12.05.13, 12th of May 2013.
Learn that months are made up of different numbers of days.
Learn that there are 7 days in a week, 12 months in a year, 52 weeks in a year, 365 or 366 days in a year.
 Learn how long routine events take e.g. interval lasts 20 minutes; it takes 10 minutes to walk home.
Learn to use various timers to record how long a task takes.
Learn to calculate how long tasks take from the start to finish time by counting on.

Money websites/activities to help at home


Intended learning for first level

Learn that different types of coins and notes are worth different amounts of money and be able to recognise coins and notes.
Learn to use money through practical activities and real-life contexts.
Learn to use a range of strategies (mental and written) to calculate total costs and change.
Learn to solve a range of problems relating to shopping.
Learn that different combinations of notes and coins can represent the same amount of money.
Learn to use different combinations of coins and notes to give the same amount of money in practical activities.
Learn to solve problems involving coins and notes.
Learn about other methods of payment e.g. cards, electronic methods of payment.

Websites/activities to help at home (we will keep adding to this as we go and please let us know if you find any others which may be useful.  Thank you.)