Blog 1 20.04.20

The WHS Library Weekly Blog

A huge hello from me and welcome to the first of my weekly blogs.
I hope you are all doing well, staying safe and most importantly staying at home.

My aim of this week’s blog is to give you a little light relief from what is happening around us. I will let you know what I have been doing and providing links to activities to help you join in.

It’s good to talk
The last week of the Easter Holidays has very much been about keeping in touch with friends, family and helping others as much as I can.

In a time where we don’t have much face to face contact with people, it is hugely important to still try and keep in contact whether it is by phone, social media or a video call. Some of us may go through this experience well while others may not. A simple call, text or video call could brighten up their day and yours.

Origami butterfly kindness tokens
If you are not able to call or use social media, there are other ways to let people know that you are thinking of them by making them a small token of appreciation. have a great step by step guide on how to make origami butterfly tokens of kindness which you can find on their blog ( (you might remember me making a gazillion of them for a library display back in February this year). They are super easy to make, and you only need a square piece of coloured paper and a pen to write your note.

These are also a great idea if you wanted to say thank you to keyworkers such as the postie, courier drivers or waste collectors.

Picture by

Growin’ your own
At the start of the Easter Holidays, I finally got around to finishing my new veg patch. I have grown veg before so had lots of seeds which I am delighted to say are all starting to sprout. I love seeing the veg grow and there’s nothing better than eating veg that you have grown yourself.
Don’t have any veg seeds? Don’t worry, its actually very easy to grow vegetables using seeds from the veg you have in your food cupboard/fridge.
I have grown veg from butternut squash seeds, apple seeds, pepper seeds and cloves of garlic.
One tip I found on the internet recently was for growing cherry tomatoes. If you cut a cherry tomato in half and plant them then a tomato plant will (should) grow.
This is also the same for potatoes, if you find a potato in your cupboard which has roots (chits) growing, cut the potato into pieces making sure each piece has a chit and simply plant, water and watch them grown into a crop of potatoes.

You may have noticed in the news that there is a growing need for personal protective equipment for people who work in the NHS and Care Sector and the Technical department within Webster’s High School have been doing an amazing job at making visors for hospitals, care homes, surgeries and supermarkets, to name but a few.
Another group which has recently been set up though the Webster’s High Parent Council is WHS PC scrubs info page. The members of this page have
been busy cutting material and sewing to make scrubs and wash bags for NHS staff and Care Workers and I am very proud to say that I am a member and have made 2 tunics so far with another 5 ready to sew up.
If you would like to get involved why not check out the Webster’s High Parent Council Facebook page or search on Facebook for WHS PC scrubs info page. Even if you can’t sew, you could still help by donating material such as old duvet covers or old pillowcases to Kirrie Connections, bank street, Kirriemuir, Monday – Friday 10am till 5pm.

Here’s one of the tunics I have made

Keep fit
At the start of the lockdown at 9am every morning I tuned into PE with Joe Wicks on his You Tube channel. I’m not much of an exercise class person although I thought I would give it a go.
Exercise is not only good for our bodies but also for our minds too and it can give us the energy we need to set us up for the day.
Ok so my taking part in the PE lessons only lasted till the end of the first week….. I’m not as young as you all are. However, having consumed my weight in cakes and chocolate over the Easter Holiday’s I am now committed to get back to it once more.
Did you also know that the PE teachers at Webster’s High have also been setting daily challenges? Teachers verses Pupils. You can see the daily challenge which has been set and record your results on Microsoft Teams
Don’t forget to give your Brain a workout too
So here’s the big question…..have you all been reading?
Remember reading is more than just books; Magazines, newspapers, graphic novels, comics and audio books all count too.

A little bit of reading each day can help give your brain a good daily workout.

Check out the information under the news section on Eclipse and on the Library Events section on the Webster’s High School website for links to free reading resources (

You can also find information on how to join the Reading and Graphic Novel Challenges Mrs Duncan has created.

Book of the Week – Paper Avalanche by Lisa Williamson
A new novel from YA bestselling sensation Lisa Williamson (The Art of Being Normal, All About Mia). This is a heart breaking and powerful book about the struggles of living with hoarding.

Book Reviews
Don’t forget, you can leave a review on any of the books you have read from the School Library Catalogue on Eclispe.

Well that’s pretty much it from me, lets see what this new week beings.
Stay safe, stay home.

Mrs Jones
Library Assistant

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