Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Chromebooks

We got new Chromebooks. The blogging group has just tried them out and they were fun.  We found that they were more mobile than our old laptops because they were smaller. They were able to be used like a laptop or a tablet because they have touchscreens. The keyboards were well protected while they were folded backwards as a tablet.

“Amazing!” said Isaac.

“Fabulous!” exclaimed Bailey.

“Astonishing,” suggested Willow.

“Legendary!” bellowed Beau.

I think we’ll enjoy using these!

Fantastic Fairtraders

The purpose of the Fantastic Fairtraders is to become a fair trade school. They are planning to help the world be more fair trade. To achieve this they have done a fair trade assembly to show the school what fair trade is. They have also started a fair trade tuck shop.

Ben (P4) & Beau (P5)

The Astonishing Activity Co-ordinators

We interviewed the Astonishing Activity Coordinators and asked them what the purpose of their group was and some of the things they were planning on doing. They told us;

“we want to make the school fit and healthy“.

When we asked them what they where planning on doing, they replied with;

“we would like to make a healthy tuck shop“.

Just today they’ve gone to the Co-op to buy the first load of goodies. I look forward to the tuck shop opening.

Grace (P7) & Corry (P2)

The Eco Warriors

The purpose of the Eco Warriors group is to develop the playground. They hope to re-develop the quiet area. They are also going to try to get a green flag status for the school and they have already been dealing with rubbish and waste paper. Today, they were planting plants to help make a healthier atmosphere in the school.

By Kerr (P4) & Finn (P3)

The Wellbeing Warriors

The Wellbeing Warriors purpose is to make the school a happier and healthier place.  A tough job, you might be thinking? Well no! Not for the Wellbeing Warriors, because they’ve got it all planned out.

Pupils will be encouraged to bring a piece of fruit or vegetable for snack.  Pupils will get dojo points for bringing in a healthy snack. The Wellbeing Warriors are also going to arrange a healthy tuck shop and healthy activities.

By Tyler (P2) & Erin (P6)

The Learning Detectives

A few days ago, we interviewed the Learning Detectives. We found out that the purpose of their group is to find learning around the school and report it to their class. Today they were going into classes to look at the different pieces of work.

They also told us some things they were planning to do in their group. They told us they were planning to start a channel called Timmer’s TV in order to take the school improvement plan and turn it into child friendly language.

I wonder if they will reach their future goal and create a channel called Timmer’s TV? Only time will tell.

By Jorja (P6) & Chloe (P3) & Sonny (P7)

Timmergreens Together Teams

Here at Timmergreens PS in Arbroath, we have started running teams which involve every pupil and member of staff from P3-P7. The purpose of the teams is to improve the school and help to make it a better place to learn. Our blogger group will be posting updates about the great things happening in our school. We hope you enjoy keeping up to date with what’s going on.

Mr Douris & Miss Gibson.