

Throughout May and June each year a number of days are dedicated to transition visits for those who will be starting P1 in August.  These visits give an opportunity for children to become familiar with the setting and the routines they will experience once they start school.  Around this time a meeting for parents is arranged to share some information and allow for any questions they may have to be answered.  In June we have a ‘Move-Up’ day when all classes move up to the next stage for a morning including the pre-school children.  This allows everyone to meet their new teachers and practise being in that class for a time.



Rosemount prides itself in its transition activities which support both academic and pastoral aspects of the curriculum. Staff liaise closely with colleagues in school as well as other cluster colleagues or staff from other settings to allow for smooth transitions.  Parents/carers are invited to attend transition meetings at Montrose Academy.  Visits are carefully arranged for our senior pupils moving on to secondary education.

Enhanced transition arrangements with Montrose Academy provide appropriate support for pupils both at group and individual levels in Primary 7. Parents and other agencies are closely involved in this process. Consultation opportunities are arranged for staff to discuss transition arrangements.

At the end of June, P7 profiles are forwarded on to Montrose Academy. Pupils transfer to Secondary School in August following completion of their P7 year.

For pupils who have an Individual Educational Programme due to specific learning or social needs a special plan for transition is produced. This plan is agreed by parents and pupils at a meeting with Miss Parker, Acting Head Teacher and a member of the Academy’s Additional Support Needs team. This meeting takes place in the summer term.

For pupils who choose to move on to secondary schools other than Montrose Academy, arrangements are put in place for transition opportunities with those schools.