Category Archives: National 5

4A1 – Sailmaker Quotations

I’ve uploaded your amazing theme mind maps to help you revise for the Final 8-mark question in the Scottish Set Text exam.

These themes are not the ONLY ones that can come up but it is a good starting point for your revision.


  • 2 marks for commonality
  • 2 marks for quote + comment from extract
  • 2 marks for quote + comment from another point in the play
  • 2 marks for quote + commend from another part of the play

Top Tip:

If you have time left at the end of the exam and you can think of ANOTHER quotation that is relevant to the final question then add it in. It’s good to have a backup in case one of your quotations or analysis isn’t quite right.

Personal/Reflective Writing Folio

The deadline for your first draft is Monday 18th September 2017.

The folio makes up 15% of your overall grade and must be submitted if you are to sit your National 5 qualification.

The first draft must be:

  •  As close to 1,000 words as you can make it.
  • Completed (No half stories/two paragraphs)
  • Include varied vocabulary and be interesting to read
  • Very neatly handwritten or typed up (The final piece must be typed up)

You can bring your draft to class on Monday 18th September 2017 or email it to me at

Help sheets – National 5 – Personal Reflective Writing

Assessment Grid – (page 9

BBC Bitesize –

I will be available to give additional support Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes. If you would rather stay after school to work on the folio piece then let me know and I will see what I can arrange.

‘Hieroglyphics’ Introduction

I have attached the PowerPoint that we looked at in class. It gives you the success criteria for a critical essay introduction.

5A3 Hieroglyphics – Critical Essay Introduction 24.09.14

Once you have perfected your introduction you should think about how you will tweak it in the exam to fit the question.

Hieroglyphics Quotation Sheets

I have attached the quotation sheets used in class today.

Once you have completed the sheets to include the missing information you will have more than enough evidence (as well as some analysis) to include in your essays.

Remember: It is not enough to go into an exam with the quotations. You need to be prepared about what you will say about those quotations and how you will make them relevant to the question. Luckily, most quotations can have their analysis tweaked to fit with a range of questions.

Hieroglyphics QUOTATION GRID


4A1 Performance (Talking and Listening)

Just a reminder that you should be prepared for your group discussion on a section of ‘Sailmaker’ on Thursday 31st August 2017. I will try to listen to as many groups as I can on this date but any left over will have the opportunity to talk on Monday 4th September 2017.

There will be further opportunities for assessment later in the year for those who are absent or do not achieve outcomes on the first attempt.


Hieroglyphics Questions

I have attached the questions on ‘Hieroglyphics’ for those of you who were absent or did not complete the work.

By answering these questions you are preparing yourself for the critical essay.

Hieroglyphics QUESTIONS

I will attach the answers (some of which we looked at in class) in due course.

Sailmaker – Context and Understanding

Some short and helpful clips to help with your understanding of ‘Sailmaker’.

YouTube Myetutor Links

Sailmaker – Sectarianism Part 1

Sailmaker – Sectarianism Part 2

Sailmaker – Glasgow’s Football Rivalry

Sailmaker – Glasgow’s Growth and Decline

Sailmaker – Glasgow’s Working Class

BBC Bitesize

Sailmaker – Characters

Sailmaker – Plot

Sailmaker – Themes

Close Reading Tip

At National 5 level the Close Reading exam makes up 20% of your final grade.

A good way to improve your close reading skills is to read some non-fiction. The easiest way to do this through online newspaper articles.

Newspapers that often have articles used as exam texts:

“Opinion” pieces are a good place to start as the writer usually has some strong opinions and views to share.

To help you prepare for the Close Reading exam paper you could:

  • Pick out the writer’s main points
  • Work out the tone used
  • Use context clues to work out difficult words
  • Comment on effective punctuation
  • Identify linking sentences
  • Look for imagery and comment on its effectiveness
  • Put Key points into your own words.

If you find a good article with lots of close reading potential you can even share it in the comments.
