Category Archives: Close Reading

Close Reading Tip

At National 5 level the Close Reading exam makes up 20% of your final grade.

A good way to improve your close reading skills is to read some non-fiction. The easiest way to do this through online newspaper articles.

Newspapers that often have articles used as exam texts:

“Opinion” pieces are a good place to start as the writer usually has some strong opinions and views to share.

To help you prepare for the Close Reading exam paper you could:

  • Pick out the writer’s main points
  • Work out the tone used
  • Use context clues to work out difficult words
  • Comment on effective punctuation
  • Identify linking sentences
  • Look for imagery and comment on its effectiveness
  • Put Key points into your own words.

If you find a good article with lots of close reading potential you can even share it in the comments.
