Careers Fair

Written by Primary 7

Yesterday Birkhill Primary School held their first Careers Fair for children in the Primary 6 and 7 classes. We had a variety of speakers who came in to visit us. Some of the jobs included; forensic examiner, beauty therapist, civil engineer, police inspector, business owner, sports coach and lots more interesting careers. We had great fun planning and organising the Careers Fair.

We learned some valuable skills for life and work such as writing letters to professionals and writing our own CVs to highlight our skills and strengths. We also enjoyed participating in the team building activities halfway through the Careers Fair.

We would like to thank Mrs Ford from Monifieth High School for planning these activities and supporting this event. We would also like to thank Mel from CITB for his inspiring speech at the beginning and end of the fair. We even had helpers from our Primary 4 community café, Dronley Delights, to serve our guests refreshments. Thank you to all involved.

We had a great time at the Careers Fair and would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers who took part and made this event such a successful one.

Helana Storrie, Iona Cavill and Cameron Bell