The Wind and Kite Flying

Today we had great fun finding out about the wind.

We went out and marked a compass on the playground and chased bubbles around the playground to find out where the wind was coming from.  Today was a cold wind from the North!

We built our kites inside and then took them out to fly.  What a great success!!  Up, up and away!! 

Well done P2!

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Keep Fit Circuits – Star Jump Quality!

This term we are working on our fitness to get us ready for Sports Day.  We are all taking part in our ‘daily’ mile challenge and trying hard to challenge ourselves in circuit training.

Last week we were looking at videos of ourselves doing star jumps so that next week we can improve the quality of our star jumps.



Click on the IMG to see our star jumps



Ella’s Wobble

We were very lucky to take part in a science show on Thursday called Ella’s Wobble. Generation Science visited us from the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

It was very hands on and interactive with the children all making two musical instruments.

Lots of our learning about the science of sound was consolidated in a really fun and exciting way!

Two video links are at the bottom of this post so you can listen to our sound effects!









Click the above IMG to get a link to watch the short videos of our sound effects.