Aberdeen Youth Games

What a fantastic day at Aberdeen Sports Village where 1500 pupils took part in the Youth Games. A range of activities were displayed by the Nescol and RGU students and kept the children engaged and entertained all day. We tried basketball, Tennis and Hockey.

Aberdeen Science Centre

What a fantastic trip today. The children were learning about our Amazing Bodies and had the privilege of meeting Andrew who made the learning so engaging and fun! What a great way to learn. We also wrote instructions on how to make a jam sandwich and the robot, Maha, showed us the importance of writing them correctly. At one point, the bread left the centre completely!

Haiku Poetry

Primary 5 have been looking at Haiku poetry this week which is Japanese poetry. They learned that the poems are constructed into 3 lines and use syllables to determine the words in each line. We had fun working out the syllables in some of my own poems and gathered some ideas to create their very own.


What a busy week Primary 5 have had. We have been looking at the artist, Georges Seurat and his work. The children sketched their own design using a range of drawing implements and developed their skills in creating tones and shades. They then used a variety of resources to create their own points to dip in paint to create their design. I cant wait to see the finished results!


Some children were showing their understanding of patterns using a variety of resources such as numicon and blocks.


In ICT this week, the children were looking at coding games and working out with a partner, which age group they felt the game was aimed at and had to give reasons why they felt this. The children are creating a bank of sites for each year group which we hope to pass on for others to enjoy.