Buddy class visit

Primary 5 had a lovely time meeting their buddy class…Primary 2! We had a fun afternoon working with our partner on a scavenger hunt to find Autumn items. Some were easy but some were quite hard to find but the children have been looking outside of school and letting us know what they have found. The children also visited each others classrooms and listened to them reading their writing. Primary 2 had written a lovely acrostic poem about leaves and did an amazing job using “wow” words.

Adventure Aberdeen

Some of the P5 pupils have had the chance to build up their skills working together to build dens, put up a tent and some mountain biking. Cant forget the smores at the end of a hard day made on a campfire.

Spaghetti and Marshmallow challenge!

The children had fun (and made a mess!!) while problem solving how to create a tower using only spaghetti and mini marshmallows. They began with planning with lots of discussion then got stuck in! They were very proud of some of their results. Great team building activity.