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Lights Camel Action!

This year the P4-7 Christmas show was called ‘Lights Camel Action’. It was a ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ version of the Nativity story. Primary 5 were the towns people and performed a line dance. Some pupils in our class took part in the angels’ ballet dance. It was a lot of fun!


Christmas Craft

Primary 5 went to Summerhill Home to help the elderly with Christmas craft activities. We helped make decorations and Christmas cards. It was great to be able to help others in our community.


Remembrance Assembly

On Friday the 10th November P5 held a Remembrance Assembly. Thank you to all the family and friends that were able to attend. We helped to raise money and awareness of the Poppy Appeal by selling poppies to all the classes.


We have loved learning all about chocolate and reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Over the term we have:

  • Created a group poster about the journey of chocolate
  • Designed our own chocolate bar wrappers
  • Drew ourselves as Oompa Loompas
  • Searched for golden tickets in books
  • Learned about the history of chocolate
  • Found out about the ingredients in chocolate
  • Written diary entries pretending to be Charlie Bucket
  • Created an advertising poster for our chocolate bars
  • Written a fact file using facts we have learned about Roald Dahl
  • Compared the film and the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • … and joined with the P4/5 class to do chocolate tasting. We considered the look, smell, texture and taste before deciding our favourite.


We have been learning how to play hockey in PE. We are going to continue to develop our hockey skills after the holidays and work toward playing games. Fingers crossed the weather stays dry and we can play on the grass.