Peer Reading with the Nursery

This term Primary 5 have started reading to the nursery classes. We have had to practise reading the books aloud with expression and emphasis. After reading through them we have created questions that are suitable for the nursery. Finally, our favourite part, we get to share the stories with the nursery.

We have had a great time and hope the nursery pupils are gaining an enthusiasm for reading!

Christmas Party

On Wednesday 20th December Primary 5 had their Christmas Party, we were joined byP4 and P4/5.

During the party we:

  • played musical chairs
  • played corners – won by Alina
  • played musical statues – won by Cielo
  • had a best dancers competition – won by Alex, Rosie and Jessica
  • played winter warmers
  • ate some party food
  • had a SUPER time

Thank you to the P7s for organising our party.

Lights Camel Action!

This year the P4-7 Christmas show was called ‘Lights Camel Action’. It was a ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ version of the Nativity story. Primary 5 were the towns people and performed a line dance. Some pupils in our class took part in the angels’ ballet dance. It was a lot of fun!