Is that the new Netflix series everyone is talking about? Or is it the latest YouTube sensation?
No. Room 9 are being entertained by none other than Mrs Douglas. The children enjoyed our school assembly this week from the comfort of their own classroom. They’ve had to become accustomed to using Digital Technology independently throughout the year and they are looking forward to contributing to our own online performance as part of the Showtime Topic.

Well done to Millar for being the Pupil of the Week.

C- Ordering decimal numbers
L- Multiplication and addition facts (6 and 7 times tables focus)
I- Multiplying and dividing by 10
C-Dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers (including remainders)

C- Partitioning decimal numbers
L- x facts
I- Jigsaw numbers
C- Multiplication methods
C-Saying 6 digit numbers
L- Multiplication facts
C-Subtraction written methods
Well done Aaliyah. You have been a star all week. We’re all proud of you.

Our targets for this week:
C- Number sequences
L- Multiplication learn its
I- Adding thousands with PIM
C- Addition methods for 3 digit numbers and decimals using money.
Well done to Constantin. He has settled in really well to life at Abbotswell.

Just another – Aberdeen site