Welcome back to school after a well deserved break! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break.
Things to remember:
- All long hair to be tied back.
- Hand washing routines to remain in place to reduce transmission.
- No personal belongings to come into school other than a packed lunch.
- Please check the school website, Blog, MarvellousMe and Google Classroom for updates regularly.
C: I can count 50s, 500s, 5000s, 1/2s: e.g. 50, 100, 150 and so on
L: I know my 5x table facts: e.g. 5×2=10, 5×3-15 and so on.
I: I can add hundreds: e.g. 300+100=400 and so on.
C: I can solve 2d+1d and 2d-1d: e.g. 30+4=34 and 18-6=12 and so on.