HO HO HO! Hard to believe it is December!
Wednesday 16th December: Christmas Cinema & P.J Day! Come to school in your pyjamas and watch a movie in class!
Thursday 17th December: P3/4 Christmas Party! Come to school in your party clothes!
Friday 18th December: Virtual Pantomime in Class! Oh no it isn’t! OH YES IT IS!
Well done to our Pupil of the Week, Cali! 2 House Points to Gryffindor!
Well done to our Playground Star this week, Andrei!
Well Done to P3/4 as our Dazzling Diners this week. 2 House Points per house!
House Points:
Ravenclaw: 207
Gryffindor: 205
Hufflepuff: 197
Slytherin: 177