Our Tourist Information Centre

This term we are learning all about Scotland for our topic. We have set up a Tourist Information Centre in our class.  It is filled with leaflets, tickets, posters, postcards, timetables and lots of things to write with.  We can choose to be a tourist looking for information, a tourist guide who shows people the different places to visit or a Tourist Information Assistant who provides information. We have enjoyed exploring the different writing materials, types of information and using our imagination. We used our new knowledge of postcards to write our own postcards about places to visit in Aberdeen. We then sent a real postcard to Inverness with lots of questions about Inverness and we are now waiting for a reply. How Exciting!

Our Information was provided by Aberdeen Tourist Information Centre. Check out their website  or pop in for a visit next time you are in town. https://www.visitscotland.com/info/services/aberdeen-icentre-p332241