CLIC Targets for P1 Term 3 Week 5
C – counting
For counting can you practise counting on and counting back 1? Ask – What is one more than…? What is one less than…?
L – learn its
Learn its are number facts which we try to remember and quickly recall without working out the answer. We now have to remember the doubles to 5 –
1+1=2 2+2=4 3+3=6 4+4=8 5+5=10
You can also practise these at home. These facts are done orally and not written down at this stage.
I – It’s Nothing New
These are facts like our learn its but instead of asking What is one add one? we say What is double one?
Can you double 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?
C – Calculations
This week we will focus on subtraction.
Can you take away and find out how many are left?
Use objects you have at home and make a group to take away from. Try using different amounts to start with and take away different amounts.