CLIC Targets for P1 Term 4 Week 9
C – Counting
For counting we are going to practise our number recognition and number formation. Use the number square to point to a number and say it’s name. Can you write down any numbers you are asked? Use a whiteboard or paper to practise your number formation.
L – Learn Its
Learn its are number facts which we try to remember and quickly recall without working out the answer. We have to remember the doubles to 5. We now also add two further addition facts and saying the multiples of 10 to 100.
1+1=2 2+2=4 3+3=6 4+4=8 5+5=10
2+3=5 2+1=3 (we also practise the switchers – 3+2=5 and 1+2=3)
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
These facts are practised orally and this term we will start weekly written practise.
I – It’s Nothing New
These are facts like our learn its but instead of asking What is one add one? we say What is double one?
Can you double 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?
C – Calculations
This week we will focus on multiplication.
Can you set out groups of objects and find the total. E.g. 3 groups of 5 make 15, 2 groups of 6 make 12 etc. As a challenge try some mental multiplying.
Some resources for this week’s targets –