The Christmas tombola for kids has now started with lots of prizes to be won. Please bring your money this week if you would like to enter – £1 for 5 tickets.
Friday is Christmas Jumper Day.
This week we will be learning the sounds ai and j. We will be thinking of things which contain the sound ai and start with j and finding out how to form the letters.
Any discussion at home about words which contain or start with these letters will help with the learning of the sounds.
This week we will continue with the topic of information handling, looking at simple graphs.
We will also continue our CLIC sessions for numeracy.
As part of our Big Maths we do CLIC sessions in the class which at this stage of Primary 1 only involve –
C – counting and L – learn its (these are number facts which we learn so they can be quickly recalled without needing to work out the answer).
Counting – counting activities such as saying the numbers forwards and backwards
Learn its – 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 2 =4.
We continue with our Showtime Topic. This week we will be learning another simple dance with moves to the music. We enjoyed learning the birdie dance last week and watching the videos sent in on our Google Classroom.
We wil also be doing some winter and Christmas activites.