The Primary 1s really enjoyed making igloos out of marshmallows for the letter ‘i’.
September 16, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
The Primary 1s really enjoyed making igloos out of marshmallows for the letter ‘i’.
September 16, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
Primary 2 enjoying re-telling story of ‘The Gruffalo’ !
September 16, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
Primary 2 enjoyed making Gruffalo crumble! They had to make up safety rules first and then follow them when making the rules.
September 14, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
Term 1 Week 5
Primary 2
You will find both spelling and maths homework in your child’s homework book.
Please revise the ‘sh’ sound using the jolly phonics app.
Another useful website-
Follow the link below for games that will help your child to become more confident in their phonics and reading. There are lots of fun games. Try to choose games that links to what your child is going in class. For example the ‘sh’ sound.
We are looking for shoe boxes for our topic next week. If you have any spares please bring them in.
September 14, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
Term 1 Week 5
Primary 1
Please revise the sounds in your phonics book. Remember the Jolly Phonics App is particularly useful for helping your child to remember sounds.
Your child will also have received their first reading books. The guided book has hern read in school and the independent is unseen. Hopefully you gained lots of good ideas at the Literacy Evening and feel ready to help your child to start the journey learning to read.
In preparation for an art project next week please bring in any spare shoe boxes you have.
Continue Reading →
September 8, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
Jolly Phonics
Please follow the link below to find a useful app which can be downloaded to help your child learn their sounds. This is useful for both Primary 1 and 2.
Thank you,
Miss Moyes
September 6, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
Each week Primary 1/2 homework will be posted on the class blog. please check the blog regularly for activities and tasks we would like you to complete. For each activity there will be a mandatory task and then an extension task which will be optional.
Primary 1
Primary 1 will find their new sound in their blue book. This week the sounds are ‘t’ and ‘i’. Consolidate learning from in school by reading and writing the sound. Doing the Jolly Phonics action will also help to enforce the learning.
Extension- Can you write any words beginning with the sound?
Number Work
Follow the link below-
Primary 2
Please find a word list in your homework book. The aim is to try and spell the words independently (eventually without looking at the word list).
You will find a list of ‘Learn Its’ in your homework jotter. The aim of this activity is to be able complete the sums quickly and accurately. Start with revising the Primary 1 ‘Learn Its’ and then move on once your child is confident with these. We will be doing a weekly ‘Beat That’ maths activity where the children try to do as many sums as they can within a set time, the aim is to beat there score.
Follow the links below for some games that may help your child to become more confident with addition.
August 29, 2016
by Rosie Moyes
1 Comment
Welcome to our new class blog!
The boys and girls are settling in well to their new class. They have been busy learning new routines and making friends. Here is some useful information regarding what the children will be doing this term and items they require to keep in school at all times.
Class Timetable
Monday- Assembly and Singing
Tuesday- Gym
Wednesday- Art
Thursday- Gym
Friday- I.C.T. and Library
Please ensure that your child has the following-
Library books are to be kept at home for a full week and returned every Friday. The children are allowed to have one book out at a time.
You will notice that your child has now got a special blue book showing phonics taught. So far we have done ‘s’ and ‘a’. This week we are focusing on ‘t’ and ‘i’. It is useful for you and your child to revise these regularly, for short amounts of time. Ask your child to make the sound and do the action. Then think about words that begin with these sounds. You may also spot them in books read at home.
We are revising sounds covered in Primary 1, with a particular focus on ‘ch’, ‘sh’ and ‘th’. Primary 2 should look and see if they can find these sounds in books and signs.
Primary 2 are also doing a mini topic in the afternoons and this is based around the theme of, ‘The Gruffalo’. We have looked at rhyming, re-telling the story using puppets and creating our own ‘Terrible Creature’.
Naming Clothes etc….
Please make sure that all items of clothing, water bottles, folders and letters are clearly labelled.
Thank you for reading the blog, hopefully you will find this a useful tool.