Primary 1/2 2016

Just another – Aberdeen site

February 22, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Homework W.B. 20/02/17


-Your child will have a word wall in their folder which will be introduced to them during reading this week (Tuesday/Thursday).  This is a useful resource to help your child learn key words.  Once your child is able to instantly recognise the word they can colour it in with a colouring pencil.  You may wish to break it down and do one line at a time.  Go with what is manageable for your child and keep the activity fun.

Here are some ideas:

  • look for words beginning with certain sounds
  • test your mum or dad
  •  write the words on a chalk board or using pencils/pens
  • look for the words in your reading book/library book
  • look for the words in your home (e.g. a cereal box)
  • listen for the word in songs you know/hear


Can you spell the word?

Can you use it in a sentence?



Your child has played the game Rock, Paper, Scissors in class.  Play this with your child adding your fingers together. For example player one shows four fingers, player two shows three fingers.  Add these together (4+3=7).  The winner is the person who gets the answer first.


Play the number bonds to ten game below to help improve your mental maths-


We have been learning some basic french greetings.  Including hello, my name is… and goodbye.  See if your child can remember how to say these.

Here is a link to a nice little song that your child has heard.


Finally I would like to say thank you for all your lovely Christmas cards and gifts.  I am enjoying being back in school and seeing all the children in P1/2.

Thank you!

February 6, 2017
by Mrs Duncan

Miss Moyes will be taking the class on Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon, Thursday all day and Friday afternoon this week.  We are all so excited to have her back with us in the classroom! 🙂

January 31, 2017
by Mrs Duncan

Angry Hand Strategy

In circle time we have been talking about feeling angry.  We have found out that feeling angry is ok but it is how we deal with this feeling that is very important.  We have discussed and adopted the ‘Angry Hand’ strategy, shown in the photo below.


We shared scenarios that had made us angry in the past and then tried showing our anger by grunting, stomping and pulling angry faces.  We tried to use the ‘Angry hand’ strategy to calm us down and we all aim to use this next time we feel angry at school.  You could try adopting this at home too.   🙂

January 30, 2017
by Mrs Duncan

Homework wb 30.1.17


Please continue with our learn-its.  Many of us got higher scores this week when doing our learn-its in class.  The revising is working! 🙂

Yellow – 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5.  Please use the term ‘double’ when revising these sums this week.

Blue – All double facts up to 10.  Please revise these using the terms half and double this week.

 Optional Extension:  Try ‘splatting’ the number square when counting in 2s (blue group only) or 10s (yellow and blue groups).  Click here for the SPLAT square.



Website – Please try 20 minutes of teach your monster to read this week.

Handwriting – We have been learning to write all of our letters correctly.  Please try writing your first name and surname this week.  Make sure you form all letters correctly.  You could try doing this on whiteboards, using chalk outside, painting or doing ‘rainbow’ writing in a range of colours.  Your child should know how to do ‘rainbow writing.’  Please remember that some letters are giraffes and stretch high, some letters are tortoises and stay low, some letters are like monkeys and hang low.  All capital letters stretch high. Use the pictures below to help you.



January 26, 2017
by Mrs Duncan

There’s nae such thing as a Gruffalo!

We watched the Gruffalo in Scots as part of our Rabbie Burns celebrations.  We thought this was hilarious!  You can watch it again by clicking here.

We made our own Gruffalo in groups.  We used Scottish words to describe each Gruffalo.  We wrote that the Gruffalo had:

  • a mingin’ plook
  • a lang neb
  • 2 honkin lugs
  • 1 muckle moo

January 25, 2017
by Mrs Duncan

We’re gangin’ on a Haggis hunt!

We had great fun celebrating Rabbie Burn’s birthday today.  We found out that Rabbie liked to use lots of Scottish words in his poem, songs and stories.  Hidden throughout the playground were lots of Scottish words hanging on haggis.   We sang a wee song and then set off:

We’re gangin’ on a haggis hunt,

We’re gaun tae catch a big een.

Fit a bonnie day,

We’re nae feart!

January 23, 2017
by Mrs Duncan


Keep scrolling for our homework for this week!  The homework box is refusing to stay at the top of our blog page today! 🙂

January 23, 2017
by Mrs Duncan

Look at the big sums we can do!

The blue group have been using this special dog to help them with their maths.  This is Squigglesworth:


Squigglesworth has three legs and helps us to understand 3 digit numbers better.  Today we used Squigglesworth to solve tricky addition sums up to 999 (and then beyond).  We then had to teach our friends how to use Squigglesworth.  We were very good teachers and were very, very proud of ourselves! 🙂

January 20, 2017
by Mrs Duncan

Outdoor Learning

We all continue to enjoy our outdoor learning session each week.  This week many of us were choosing to assess risks, work as a team and solve problems by making a complex assault course.  We enjoyed experimenting with the different types of jumps that we can do and are becoming more confident when taking risks.

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