Primary 1/2 2016

Just another – Aberdeen site

Homework wb 14.11.16



Number bonds – if your child was working on number bonds last week please continue this this week.  Use this link to download and print two copies of the animal flashcards.  Get your child to cut them up and you can use them for pairs or snap.  If the two numbers make 10 it’s a pair!  As an extra challenge you could use this link to print cards for number bonds to 100.  Please only do this if your child has remembered all number bonds to 10.

Adding –  If your child had a ‘grab mat’ at home last week please continue to focus on adding this week.  Try adding different sets together and telling an adult the number story.  For example, you could add 3 barbies and 3 teddies, or 7 cars and 3 balls.  Parents:  please encourage your child to tell you the number story and to use the words ‘add’ and ‘makes’.  They could write down some of their stories too.


Due to the school closure on Friday we will only be having reading once this week.  New sounds for P1s will be issued on Tuesday.  Please check in your child’s sound book to see which sound he/she is focusing on.  All P2s are focusing on ck.

ck – Try playing this game to develop your skills in reading ‘ck’ words.  Parents: please click on ‘phase 2’ and then select ‘enter your own words’.  In the real words section please type: rock, sock, brick, snack and pocket.  In the ‘fake words’ section please type: leck, meckan, stacka, bick and shick.  then click ‘play’,  The children then click ‘get snack’ and try reading the words to decide if they are real words or pretend words.  Real words get fed to Bob.  Pretend words get fed to Obb.  Reading pretend words is a fantastic way of encouraging sounding out as the children will be forced to sound out the word rather than memorizing it.  Have fun!

u – please watch the storybot ‘u‘ story.  We will also be revising all taught sounds this week.  Please try this game to reinforce all taught letters.  Click on the first option to revise ‘s, a, t’ etc.  Listen to the sound and try popping the sound that is spoken by clicking on the letters.


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