Please look inside your child’s folder to see which activities he/she has for this week. Match the activities with the instructions below. All children will have 1 maths and 1 literacy activity.
Grab Mats – if your child has a ‘grab mat’ in his/her bag then he/she is learning about addition to 10 this week. Use the grab mats to practice making different adding sums. You will need a pile of small toys – lego blocks, marbles, small figures or even raw pasta, and a whiteboard pen (these were sent home with the grab mats). Get your child to ‘grab’ one handful from their pile of objects and place it on one hand on the grab mat. Get them to count and write down the number below the hand. Repeat for the other hand. Now get your child to add both handfuls together by counting the total. They can write this in the total box on their grab mat. The most important part is for them to tell the addition story to you using their board to help them. For example, 4 lego men add 4 lego men makes 8 lego men. The language used is very important so please encourage them to say the story each time. Repeat several times.
Number bonds – if your child does not have a grab mat in their bag they are working on number bonds in school. Click here to play a website to reinforce this. Get them to try beating their highest score by repeating the game several times.
Please note – your child should not do both maths activities.
Literacy – sounds for P1s will be sent home on Tuesday.
‘AY’ or ‘EE’ – if your child is focusing on ay or ee this week they will have a sound game in their bag. Get them to cut out each letter and sound. Try reading a word to them (using the word list) and getting them to make the word. You could make your own ee or ay words too.
O and B – if your child does not have a sound game in their bag they are focusing on ‘o’ and ‘b’ this week. Look at your sound book to see the action. Try watching the b and u storybot videos. Try hunting for the letters on numberplates, roadsigns, in story books and in print around the house.
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