Primary 1/2 2016

Just another – Aberdeen site

June 12, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

W.B. 12/06/17


Learning Journey

Please complete learning journey homework from last week and return to school by tomorrow (Tuesday 13th of June).

School Trip

Please ensure you have signed and returned the consent form for the trip to Satrosphere.


Suns (ff, ll, ss)







Moons (oa)







The children are doing really well in ‘ Big Maths’  and lots of the children are increasing their ‘Beat That’ scores by doing extra work on these sums.

Keep it up!

Miss Moyes

June 5, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Homework W.B. 05/06/17


Well done to all the boys and girls who have been working hard on their big maths and sentences.  I can see the children have really been thinking about their sentence targets.  Below are the words you should try to use in your sentences this week.


















Continue to work on big maths activity.

Learning Journey

Please record at least one achievement from home/ out of school.  This can be displayed using photos, drawings and writing and can be anything of significance to your child.

For Example-

Earning a swimming badge

Riding your bike a long distance

Doing a dancing exam

  • Please sign, date and comment on the learning journey once complete.


May 31, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Homework W.B. 29/05/17

Well done to the boys and girls who have made a fantastic start to their new number and language jobs.  It was really lovely to see that the children are already getting going with this activity.  I loved seeing their work and am happy to see this when and as you want!

Please let me know if you have any feedback on this activity.

Miss Moyes 🙂

May 30, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Homework W.B. 29/05/17


The children have a laminated lined sheet in their folders to practice writing sentences.  You should aim to do this at least once a week and do approximately three sentences.  The children should think about the targets below when doing their sentences.  Try to use your  phonics words within your sentences (these will be listed on the blog weekly and should be referred to).

This is an activity that will be useful to keep your child thinking about writing in the holidays.  Using the laminated sheet also helps to take the pressure away as they can rub things out and easily change it.


  • neat writing (forming letters correctly)
  • capital letters and full stops
  • finger spaces

Once your confident with these go on to using a connective.

  • use the connective and

Phonics Words (oo and ee)








The sleet feels cold.

My food is yummy.



  • neat writing (forming letters correctly)
  • capital letters and full stops
  • finger spaces
  • use the connectives and, but and because
  • wow words (interesting vocabulary)

Phonics Words (ll)








I fell over because my shoe laces were undone.

I hear the bell and then go and line up.


All the children should have a laminated sheet with number bonds to 10 and beyond.  Use this now, until the end of term to help you increase the speed at which you can recall these addition facts.  Doing this should help your child improve their ‘Beat That’ Score.  By doing this activity for short periods of time daily children should begin to remember the sums at speed and with increased accuracy.

You can also group the sums to help your child.

For example-

Adding 1

Adding 2

Adding doubles

Number stories(sums that end in the same number eg. 5+5=10, 4+6=10)

Doting the sums you are focusing on will help your child.



May 24, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Reading Words

Some of the children have new words on coloured card (see inside their folders). These are to be used like flash cards and should be cut out before you use them. Work through the key words one sheet at a time. Once your child is confident with the words move onto the next page and so on.   It is important not to do all the words together as this can become overwhelming, break it down and make it manageable.

May 24, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Toy Shop

The children set up their own toy shops to learn about giving change. They were calculating change from 20p and 10p coins. They used number lines to help them.

Please note this is a useful activity for both maths groups.

Number Line

I have given every child a number line in their folder to help them with their homework this week. This is a useful resource to support your child in many areas of numeracy, please keep it for future activities.


Use real money to make the activity fun and let your child get use to handling real money!

May 23, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Homework W.B. 22/05/17



1. Using the Jollyphonics app, revise the ‘th’,’ch’and ‘sh’ sound.

2 . Look for the ‘th’, ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ sound within your reading books and stories at home.

Test yourself and see if you can spell these words.

1. teeth

2. thorn

3. chop

4. chin

5. shop

6. sheep

Ways to make this fun-

Rainbow writing with coloured pens, writing outside with chalk or doing squiggly writing.


All the suns have magic e words in their folders.

1. Read the word without magic e and then with magic e (for example cub turns into cube).

2. Draw pictures on the back of the words to show understanding (a picture of a cub and then a picture of a cube).


We have begun to look at giving change when paying for items.


This week we are calculating giving change from 5p and 10p coins.

Use your toys to set up toy shop scenarios for example the dinosaur is five pence and I pay using a ten pence how much change will I receive?

Counting Strategies

Encourage your child to work out the answer by doing a take away, for  example 10-5=5. Use your fingers to help you.

If your child is managing this go on to talk about finding the difference between the numbers to work out the answer. When talking about this emphasis that they can count on from 5 to 10, counting how many numbers are in between on their fingers.

If your child needs to you can use a number line to do the take away sum or calculate the difference.



Calculate giving change from 20p.

1.Follow the link below:

2. Click mixed coins.

3. Go to the column giving change.

4. Select coins upto 20p.

Please see counting stategies above to help you.

If the link does not work this can also be done practically (see yellow group activity and do this giving change from a 20p coin).



As part of our topic on toys we are going to show and tell our favourite toys. Please bring in your favourite toy next Monday.

Children should be able too talk about at least three of these points-

1. Say what their toy is.

2. Say which force, if any the it uses (push, pull, twist).

3. Say if the toy needs electricity to work.

5. Say what materials were used to make their toy and why they think they were chosen.

4. Say why it is their favourite toy.

Children will also be learning about how to use eye contact and a loud, clear voice to engage their audience . They should aim to do this at home when preparing their show and tell for school.


Continue Reading →

May 15, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Homework W.B. 15.05.17


I have named the two phonics groups to help the children to access the correct homework (ask your child which group they are in).


Some of the boys and girls have been learning the ‘oy’ sound.  Follow the link below to revise this sound.


Magic ‘e’

This week is our last week focusing on magic e in phonics.  Follow the link below to the game and play games 20-24.

You may notice that there is no game for magic e with e, this is because there are very few words for this one.  Here are some which you may wish to highlight to your child.  Try finding some of the words in your reading book or stories at home.

  • Pete
  • here
  • these
  • eve
  • complete
  • Steve



Yellow Group

We are learning to add coins together to the value of 10p.

To access the game follow the instructions below-

  1. Follow the link above
  2. Go to  ‘How Much?’ at the bottom of the screen
  3. Go across and click on the icon within 10p


Blue Group

We are learning to add coins together to the value of 20p.

To access the game follow the instructions below-

  1. Follow the link above
  2. Click on the pink icon ‘Mixed Coins’
  3. Find the heading ‘Exact Coins’ and then click on the icon below ‘Up to 20p’

Counting Strategies

  • Encourage your child to start with the biggest number when adding the coins together.
  • Remind them to count on (putting the biggest number in their head and counting on).

Practical Activity

Your child may wish to set up a pretend toy shop.  Give them guidance to complete this activity (see below).

  1. Choose three or four toys to sell in your shop.
  2. Price the toys (yellow group up to the value of 10p and blue group up to the value of 20p).
  3. Using money find the coins you would need to buy the items.


Important Reminder

As you know, we are having a toy sale this Friday and are looking donations.  Please bring to school ASAP thank you.

*Please make sure any puzzles or games have all pieces and parts.

Miss Moyes




May 10, 2017
by Rosie Moyes

Homework W.B. 08.05.17


We have been learning about magic e. This week your child should revise this sound, listen to the song below to help your child to begin thinking about magic e.

-Look for the sound in their reading books/ bedtime story.

-Writing sentences with the magic e sound (remembering capital letters and full stops).

-Writing magic e words with big chalk outside.

-Playing games on the computer.

-Using Microsoft Word to write words with magic e (make it fun by changing the font, colour and size).


Try to do a couple of the activities above, allowing your child to choose how they want to learn the sound.   If you have a piece of work you have done at home please feel free to bring it in for me to see (for example your sentences, or a photo of your words in chalk).  We are making a wall display for magic e and work which is neatly presented and could go up.    🙂



It is important that children write letters correctly.  Please revise the correct formation of all letters.  Doing this activity on an on-going basis  will help your child to remember the correct formation and to become more controlled writing letters.

Using a multisensory approach can really help children to remember the correct formation (for example writing in a sand tray, writing the letter in shaving foam or writing with chalk on the ground etc) .

Here is a website you may also use to practice writing your letters  (remember to think about where the letter sits on the line when using this).



We are learning to recognise coins up to the value of £2 and to add coins together (see yellow and blue group for more information).  Start by listening to the song below to introduce the concept of money to your child.


Look in a purse or wallet and see which of the coins you can recognise.  Once your child is confident with these, try adding coins together.  You may wish to make up play scenarios for example the teddy costs 7p so which coins should I use.


Add coins together to the value of 10p.


Add coins to the value of 10p and then 20p.

By engaging in real life activities (like the one above) your child should begin to understand about the exchange of money when purchasing goods.






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