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Primary 2/3 have been really enjoying learning some traditional Scottish Dance over the last few weeks. Today we were working on The Virginia Reel. What a fantastic job we did! Here are some pictures of us in action!!


This week in Room 3 we wrote fantastic imaginative stories about The Loch Ness Monster! Our stories were full of ‘Wow’ words and super description! We worked together yesterday to make a Nessie wall display for our writing. It was a real team effort! 

Telling the Time

We have been very busy learning all about Time in Room 3 this week. In our learning pairs, we have been exploring o’clock and half past on both the analogue and digital clock. Next week, the P2 boys and girls will be working on simple durations and the P3 children will be learning about Quarter past and Quarter to.  You can find some great Time games to play at home on the Topmarks website. Here we are hard at work this week!

Map Skills

Yesterday in P2/3 we were busy exploring maps and finding out where Scotland was on a map of the United Kingdom. We then looked at a map of Scotland and found where all the cities were. We used an atlas to help us and we all did a great job with our map tasks! 

We would love to create a class display of different places we’ve visited in Scotland so if you have any photographs of the children in other Scottish towns/cities or near any Scottish Landmarks it would be great to see them!


Welcome Back!

Happy New Year to you All! We hope that you enjoyed a lovely festive break.  It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of our first week back already! The children have settled back in perfectly and have been working very hard! 

For the month of January, the whole school will be doing a mini topic on Scotland. In P2/3 we will be exploring the map of Scotland and learning some Scots words through stories, poems and songs. We are going to learn about some famous Scots and we are looking forward to learning some traditional Scottish dances. We may even be doing some haggis, neeps and tatties tasting! 

Keep checking our blog to see what we’re getting up to! We are looking forward to an exciting term ahead! 😃

Party Time!

We had a wonderful time this afternoon at our P2/P3 Christmas Party!  We enjoyed party games, party food and there were lots of cool dance moves on show!! The highlight of the afternoon of course, was a visit from Santa!!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year! Happy Holidays!!



Pupil of the Week – Friday 16th December

Congratulations to Maja on being awarded Pupil of the Week! She has been working very hard in Maths this week and is making great progress.

This has been a successful week for Maja because she was also the winner of our Christmas Homework Challenge. Maja managed to make 54 words and they were beautifully written! Well done Maja! Keep up the super work!

Christmas Jumper Day

It was lovely to see all the children in their colourful Christmas jumpers, t-shirts and dresses today! We had lots of fun and raised a good sum of money for Save the Children at the same time – thank you for your donations! We were giving a big ‘Ho Ho Ho’ in the photograph   (as you can probably see from some of the funny expressions!!)