Congratulations to Charley on being awarded our first Pupil of the Week for P2/3! Charley has been working very hard in class and has remembered to bring an extra big smile to school every day this week! Well done Charley! We are so proud of you!
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Exploring Capacity
This week in Maths, we have been up to our elbows in water! We have had lots of fun learning about capacity and have worked well in groups to estimate, measure and compare using different sizes and shapes of containers.
Outdoor Maths!
We made the most of the lovely weather on Wednesday and took our Maths learning outdoors! We were exploring length with our learning partners. We had lots of fun measuring objects outside to find which ones were longer and shorter than our pieces of string. There was some great teamwork and discussion going on!
During these first few weeks, we will be doing lots more measuring in P2/3 and will be exploring length, weight and capacity. We will be developing our early skills in estimating, measuring and comparing.
Welcome to P2/3!
We hope that you all had a fantastic summer break and wish you a very warm welcome to our P2/3 Blog!
We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead in P2/3 and aim to regularly share information and photos to keep you up to date with what we are getting up to in class. We hope you will find the Blog useful and welcome any comments or feedback you may have.
Our job share pattern for this session will be as follows:-
Monday, Tuesday and alternate Fridays – Miss Dazell
Wednesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays – Mrs Forbes
This term, the class will have P.E. on a Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Brechin and an additional P.E. slot on a Friday morning. We would appreciate if all the children could please bring a named gym kit into school ready for next week. Also just a quick reminder to ensure that all school clothing is clearly named as lots of jumpers/cardigans are being taken off in this lovely hot weather and we don’t want any new school uniform to go missing!
We look forward to working with you all!