My Job / Role at Abbotswell

In this blog post I aim to re-introduce myself and outline my role at Abbotswell School. With this blog, I plan to provide the school community with regular updates on these areas that I oversee and support with, any upcoming events and of course promote what’s happening in school.

My name is Mrs Tysom, I have been Depute Head Teacher at Abbotswell for almost three years. Before that, I was a class teacher for eight years shared between Abbotswell School (where I completed my probationary year back in 2011-12!!) and Riverbank school, where I taught for two of those years before I returned!

I absolutely love teaching and helping others. My current role keeps me busy supporting both children and adults. It is rewarding however it can of course become extremely challenging too as no two days are the same!

My main function is to support the Head Teacher in the operational and strategic management of the school and deputise in the absence of the Head Teacher as per ACC policy including ACC Child Protection arrangements.

By doing so, I help to develop, implement and review school policies. I assist with the auditing and writing of the School Improvement Plan and annual Standards and Quality Report (SQuIP). I am responsible for the operational and strategic management of targeted support (ASN provision) within the school focused on P4-P7, including SfG and ELSA. I liaise with partner and outside agencies to ensure pupils’ needs are met. I line manage non-teaching staff: timetabling, facilitate meetings, co-ordinate CPD and undertake corporate CRD for non-teaching staff. I am responsible for timetabling of work experience pupils. I assist with the induction of new staff, supply staff, students and work experience pupils. I support school budget management, including meetings with the Authority accountant. I am responsible for the requisition of resources as required. I aid to co-ordinate annual activities: Christmas concerts, Theatre productions, Parent Interviews. I collate all information for educational visits as required by ACC Excursion Policy. I support teachers and pupils in Early, First and Second level classes with a focus on P4-7. I team teach from Nursery – P.7 as timetable allows. I oversee arrangements for P.7/S1 transition: liaising with Lochside Academy and the ASG Transition group. I am responsible for Quality Assurance procedures throughout the school, including planning, evaluation and assessment, tracking and monitoring practice with a focus on P4-7 classes. I oversee behaviour management in school with support from Head Teacher and Principal Teacher. I communicate with parents/carers regularly. I attend Parent Council meetings. I am the Technology co-ordinator. I mentor our Probation Teacher.

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