Welcome Back and Well Done

Welcome back to school, you have completed one full week of school in the Home School learning style again and wow there have been so many great achievements.

For a start our engagement numbers are super high!! We are delighted with this and we hope that we can maintain this!

We have entered ALL classes into a Sumdog class challenge so we need you to play Sumdog games to try and help get our school to win the challenge. It is between all classes that entered from schools in Aberdeen! Go Abbotswell!

It is great to see the fantastic work being done across all of the classrooms. I will be posting some of this to Twitter and on here each day! Keep an eye out to see if it is yours!

Remember our Twitter handle is @abbotswell and the hashtags we like to use are #LearningtogrowGrowingtolearn #inthistogether

If there is anything you need help with, please contact the class teacher or email myself or Mrs Douglas or email/phone the school office; the school office s closed however the mobile number is on and available to take calls.

Mrs Tysom: CTysom@aberdeencity.gov.uk

Mrs Douglas: EmDouglas@aberdeencity.gov.uk

School Office mobile: 07812504170

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