P3/4-5 Assemblies February 2016

In P3/4-5 assemblies this month –

* we watched the story of Mr Men’s ‘Mr Small’ and discussed how just because he is small doesn’t mean he can’t have the same opportunities as everyone else, that he should be included and treated equally.  We saw how one class in another school all learned sign language to include one of their classmates. Mr Birch came and taught us some sign language too.

*as part of Children’s Mental Health Week we discussed ‘resilience’ and watched the story of Gerald in ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance.’  Gerald wants to join in the animal dance but they laugh at him.  He is encouraged by a friend and doesn’t give up and in the end dances in his own special way.

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* we discussed how we are nurtured when we are young, being supported and encouraged to do the right thing.  We watched some fables and thought about what lessons they teach us.  After watching ‘The Lion and the Mouse’, Ben thought the message was that even if someone annoys us, it doesn’t mean we fight with them.

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