P3-5 Assemblies Jan-Feb

Our assemblies this term will continue to focus on the Golden Rules, SHANARRI, Children’s Rights and the Four Capacities.

We are focussing on the Golden Rule of Be Kind and Helpful and watched a short film about a new pupil (a hedgehog) who was finding it difficult to fit in as his spines hurt the others, burst their ball and got in the way. However, they showed kindness and caring by finding a way to include him.

Some active P4-5 girls told us about Stagecoach, a theatre group they attend.  In the spirit of Robert Burns, we all actively took part in learning the song  ‘Three Cra’s’ and some Scottish words – we listened to some of ‘The Eejits’ which is ‘The Twits’ in Scots!  Certificates were given to P4-5 pupils who had particularly performed well reciting Scots poems – all successful learners.

We watched a story about Babar where he was being picked on because he looked different.  We discussed how he felt, what effect this could have on his mental health and what strategies he used to help. 

A group of P5 pupils will be presenting this week, reminding us of important safety rules both in and out of school.

Term 3 2018-19 P3-5 Jan-Feb News

What’s New in Purple and Blue?

A warm welcome to Primary 3 pupils and parents who I will now be line managing along with Primaries 4 and 5.  We have new and exciting plans for this term!

The whole school theme for the term is Our Historical World, with pupils in Primary 3 and 4 looking at the history of Cults and Aberdeen and Primary 5 investigating Wallace and Bruce.  Some visits to local areas of interest are being planned – class teachers will keep you informed of these.

Our Golden Rules will continue to be revisited with the focus currently ‘Be Kind and Helpful.’  Pupils are encouraged to Tell Mrs Dalziel when they see or do acts of kindness and to write stories and poems or draw pictures for our Golden Rule Goal walls.

Blue Unit pupils have a weekly responsibility starting in February – jobs are to keep the GP and AV rooms tidy, to collect litter and recycling, to check the toilets, ipads and laptops are being looked after, to hold open doors and to be Good Choice Champs, noting pupils who have made Good Choices.  I hope that having a shared responsibility will encourage teamwork, respect and  pride in our school.

Pupil Voice ‘graffiti’ walls have been established where pupils are encouraged to write their opinions in answer to a given question.  Currently the question is: ‘What do you know about how our school cares for you and keeps you safe?’  These views will be collated and shared and a new question posted every few weeks.

Assemblies and other relevant news will continue to be posted here.

Here’s to a successful and rewarding term!