Scottish Verse Speaking Winners Announced!

Mrs Clark and I really enjoyed hearing all the P4-7 class finalists and had a very hard job on our hands choosing who should be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each year group.  After a lot of thought, the winners are:

P7 1st Anna Macdonald                                                                          2nd Josh Gannicliffe                                                                          3rd Hannah Sotes                                                                       P6 1st Ollie Cameron                                                                               2nd Thomas Mackenzie and Ella Maclure                                         3rd Morven Allan and Summer Forbes                                       P5 1st Eryka Innes                                                                                   2nd Anna Thompson and Isla Campbell                                           3rd Anthea Maes and Aidan Livingstone                                     P4 1st Brodie Skinner                                                                             2nd Sophie Bain and Sophie Cox                                                     3rd Amber Edgerton

Well done to all our finalists – we look forward to next year’s challenge!

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