P6 Victorian Toys

This term, Primary 6 have been learning all about the Victorians.  We have learned about Victorian toys and compared these to our modern day toys we have now.  Yesterday, we got the opportunity to make our very own Victorian toy – the cup and ball!  Not only did we have a great time making it, we are going to write up a full set of instructions to teach other people how to make it too!

P6 Curling

This week, both Primary 6 classes were invited to Curl Aberdeen to try Curling.  The children learned so many new interesting things about the rules of curling, history of curling and we even got to have a go ourselves!

P6B Victorian Visit from Mr Paterson

Today, Primary 6B had a visitor to teach us about Victorian life in the city we live in – Aberdeen.  Mr Paterson shared lots of interesting information and pictures for us to learn from and further research.  We got to extend our understanding about many aspects of Victorian life in Aberdeen, including housing, sports and leisure, crime and punishment and clothing.

Thank you for your visit Mr Paterson!

Primary 6B Victorian Trip

Today Primary 6B went to Tarves Heritage Centre to learn more about Victorians and their lives.

We got to see some pictures of the town in Victorian times and also got to handle some Victorian artefacts including irons, hot water bottles (stone pigs) and phones.

Then we became Victorian children and experienced some time in a Victorian classroom!  It was hard to do some of the things like sitting with your hands behind your back or writing with only your right hand (if you were left handed);

but overall we really enjoyed it!