All posts by Mrs Leslie

Class of the Week

We were delighted to win ‘Class of the Week’ this week. We have been working very hard in class and have been trying out lots of new skills. We have been recording our scripts for our radio show and getting ready to teach others how to use texthelp on Google Chrome. We will enjoy having the trophy in our classroom this week to remind ourselves to keep working hard.


On the last day of term, Primary 6 worked with the Aberdeen Kendo Club. This is an ancient, highly skilled, Japanese martial art. They gave us an excellent demonstration, we got to try on their uniforms and have a go at some techniques. Everyone had a great time!

Wagamama 19.09.2018

Primary 6 had an amazing time when we visited Wagamama, a Japanese restaurant in Union Square, on Wednesday morning. We took part in 3 different activities which tested our weighing skills, our taste buds and our problem solving skills, those chop sticks aren’t easy!!

We all had a great time trying lots of different food we had never heard of before, some of it was very spicy!

Primary 6 are really enjoying learning about Japanese food and culture as part of their social studies work.



Through our Japanese topic, Primary 6 has been learning about the culture and beliefs of Japanese people. We learned that if you make 1000 paper cranes, you can make a special wish. We’ve been making origami animals using our paper folding skills. We all made a cup that we could drink from.

Techfest 2018


We had a fantastic time at Techfest last Thursday.

We took part in 3 different activities: Building a bridge, Litter Lab and Fitlab. We learned lots of interesting facts about litter and really enjoyed building our own mini Queensferry Crossing.