
We were invited to the Aberdeen Curling arena to try a new sport. Some of the Primary 7’s thoughts before they went to the Curling arena were: boring; don’t think it will be fun; just throwing a stone on ice; nervous about falling on the ice and the stones would be tiny.

During our visit we learnt that one of our feet had to have grip and the other had to be slidey, when curling the stone in addition the stone weighed 3 stone and was quite difficult to move. The points area was called the house. We also learnt that the word ‘ICE’ in curling is a safe word in case a stone is coming towards you and you cannot move away. We also learnt how to make the stones go further, which was hard work as we had to sweep really fast.

After our visit we are excited to learn more about Curling and our thoughts have changed, we think it is:  “a lot harder than we thought,” and “stones were a lot heavier and a good experience.”



Primary 7